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Ioannis Bakolis

Dr Ioannis Bakolis

Reader in Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Research interests

  • Mental Health


Ioannis Bakolis is senior lecturer in Biostatistics and Epidemiology at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience. Before joining King’s College, Ioannis have previously held research positions at Imperial College London (2013-2015) and (2008-2012) and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (2012-2013). During that time, Ioannis completed a PhD in Biostatistics and Epidemiology at Imperial College London (2013) under the supervision of Prof. Peter Burney and Prof. Richard Hooper.

Research Interests

Dr Ioannis Bakolis is interested in how social, built and physical environments affect the epidemiology of both physical and mental health. Some examples of Ioannis current work include exploring how exposure to road-traffic air and noise pollution affect mental disorders; and how neighbourhood deprivation relate to mental health over the life course. Ioannis is also a member of the core team of the Urban Mind project involving the development and use of smartphone technologies to monitor the impact of the surrounding physical and social environment on population mental health in real time. Although not exclusively, much of Ioannis work is conducted within large population-based surveys; birth cohorts and routinely collected information stemming from smartphone technologies and electronic health records.  

Ioannis research interests also extend to the use of quasi-experimental methods and data from hybrid trials on the evaluation and implementation of population health interventions and nationwide policies. Ioannis is a co-I and lead statistician of INDIGO and EMILIA, two recently MRC-funded projects which aim to tackle stigma and discrimination in 6 LMIC countries; TIDES, a study funded by the Wellcome Trust  for developing an intervention framework to address the role of discrimination by healthcare practitioners in generating and perpetuating health inequalities.  

Ioannis is also interested in issues of causal inference and statistical methods for intensive longitudinal data as they relate to his work.

  • Urban environment and mental health 
  • Social and environment stressors and mental health over the life course 
  • Natural experiments  
  • Hybrid trials


  • Co-Module leader: ‘Advanced Statistical Methods in Psychiatric Epidemiology’, Global Mental Health Msc 
  • Module leader: “Intro to Statistical Modelling”, Applied Statistics and Statistical Modelling Msc  

Current course lectures  

  • ‘Quasi-experimental designs’, Applied Statistics and Statistical Modelling Msc  
  • Urban environment and mental health, Urban Informatics Msc 
  • ‘Evaluation of scale-up of complex population health interventions’, Global Mental Health Msc 
  • I currently supervise 3-4 MSc students per year for their final dissertations, and 4 full time PhD students. I am willing to accept new PhD students. Interested students should contact me with an idea of their project proposal in the first instance, with an indication of any potential funding support.

Expertise and Public Engagement

As expert commentator for the Science Media Centre Ioannis regularly provides comments on air pollution stories in relation to mental health in the popular media. 


Pure Profile:

Ioannis Bakolis


Centre for Implementation Science

The Centre for Implementation Science is home to a team of expert implementation and improvement science researchers, including health economists and statisticians. This team are investigating how best to help ‘implement’ evidence-based practice and clinical research within health services nationally and internationally.

tides logo
Tackling Inequalities and Discrimination Experiences in health Services (TIDES)

TIDES study investigates how discrimination experienced by both patients and healthcare practitioners may generate and perpetuate inequalities in health service

Project status: Ongoing

Health Inequalities Research Group

Health Inequalities Research Group is focused on delivering interdisciplinary research on inequalities in mental health in marginalised communities and across health services with an emphasis on race at the intersection of other social identities.

Rosetta Life - Stroke Odysseys (c) Pari Naderi
SHAPER - Scaling-up Health Arts Programmes: Implementation and Effectiveness Research

SHAPER is a programme that will assess the effectiveness and implementation of 3 arts-in-health, Melodies for Mums with Postnatal Depression, Dance for Parkinson’s, Stroke Odysseys.

ARTICLE Molecule Model
Causal Analysis & Evaluation

The Causal Modelling Group comprises statisticians and methodologists at King’s College London interested in drawing causal inferences from study data.

PONS Centre banner brain scan
HealthTech Research Centre in Brain Health

National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) HealthTech Research Centre, designed to accelerate the advancement of cutting-edge technology to better understand brain health and ageing and help people live healthier lives for longer.


£1.68m Wellcome funding to explore impact of extreme heat on mental health of urban communities

Wellcome Climate Impacts Award will fund IoPPN-led research aimed at understanding the relationship between extreme heat and mental wellbeing, particularly...

Heat wave MH 780x440

Exposure to air pollution is associated with increased use of psychiatric services in people with dementia

New research from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) at king's College London has found exposure to air pollution is associated...


Healthcare workers in England experience PTSD at twice the rate of the general public

New research led by the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King’s College London in collaboration with the NIHR ARC North Thames at...

ICU Nurse

Adults living in areas with high air pollution are more likely to have multiple long-term health conditions

Exposure to traffic related air pollution is associated with an increased likelihood of having multiple long-term physical and mental health conditions,...


Excess deaths in people with mental health conditions increased during the COVID-19 pandemic

A study based on more than 160,000 patients has revealed greater number of deaths amongst those with mental health conditions and intellectual disabilities...


Exposure to air pollution linked with increased mental health service-use, new study finds

Exposure to traffic-related air pollution is associated with increased mental health service-use among people recently diagnosed with psychotic and mood...


Shifts to remote mental health services continued after lockdown, according to new study

The introduction and lifting of COVID-19 ‘lockdown’ policy in Spring 2020 was associated with significant changes in mortality and service delivery across...

Addressing the mental health impact of COVID-19 through digital therapies

Posts to Reddit forum “SuicideWatch” spike in the early hours of Monday morning

New research from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King’s College London has found that people on a social media suicide...

Smartphones 800 x 450


27OctThick smog from factories

Our planet, our people: understanding the health impacts of climate change

In this session, we brought together a panel of world-renowned experts to put in focus the physical and mental health impacts of climate change.

Please note: this event has passed.


Centre for Implementation Science

The Centre for Implementation Science is home to a team of expert implementation and improvement science researchers, including health economists and statisticians. This team are investigating how best to help ‘implement’ evidence-based practice and clinical research within health services nationally and internationally.

tides logo
Tackling Inequalities and Discrimination Experiences in health Services (TIDES)

TIDES study investigates how discrimination experienced by both patients and healthcare practitioners may generate and perpetuate inequalities in health service

Project status: Ongoing

Health Inequalities Research Group

Health Inequalities Research Group is focused on delivering interdisciplinary research on inequalities in mental health in marginalised communities and across health services with an emphasis on race at the intersection of other social identities.

Rosetta Life - Stroke Odysseys (c) Pari Naderi
SHAPER - Scaling-up Health Arts Programmes: Implementation and Effectiveness Research

SHAPER is a programme that will assess the effectiveness and implementation of 3 arts-in-health, Melodies for Mums with Postnatal Depression, Dance for Parkinson’s, Stroke Odysseys.

ARTICLE Molecule Model
Causal Analysis & Evaluation

The Causal Modelling Group comprises statisticians and methodologists at King’s College London interested in drawing causal inferences from study data.

PONS Centre banner brain scan
HealthTech Research Centre in Brain Health

National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) HealthTech Research Centre, designed to accelerate the advancement of cutting-edge technology to better understand brain health and ageing and help people live healthier lives for longer.


£1.68m Wellcome funding to explore impact of extreme heat on mental health of urban communities

Wellcome Climate Impacts Award will fund IoPPN-led research aimed at understanding the relationship between extreme heat and mental wellbeing, particularly...

Heat wave MH 780x440

Exposure to air pollution is associated with increased use of psychiatric services in people with dementia

New research from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) at king's College London has found exposure to air pollution is associated...


Healthcare workers in England experience PTSD at twice the rate of the general public

New research led by the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King’s College London in collaboration with the NIHR ARC North Thames at...

ICU Nurse

Adults living in areas with high air pollution are more likely to have multiple long-term health conditions

Exposure to traffic related air pollution is associated with an increased likelihood of having multiple long-term physical and mental health conditions,...


Excess deaths in people with mental health conditions increased during the COVID-19 pandemic

A study based on more than 160,000 patients has revealed greater number of deaths amongst those with mental health conditions and intellectual disabilities...


Exposure to air pollution linked with increased mental health service-use, new study finds

Exposure to traffic-related air pollution is associated with increased mental health service-use among people recently diagnosed with psychotic and mood...


Shifts to remote mental health services continued after lockdown, according to new study

The introduction and lifting of COVID-19 ‘lockdown’ policy in Spring 2020 was associated with significant changes in mortality and service delivery across...

Addressing the mental health impact of COVID-19 through digital therapies

Posts to Reddit forum “SuicideWatch” spike in the early hours of Monday morning

New research from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King’s College London has found that people on a social media suicide...

Smartphones 800 x 450


27OctThick smog from factories

Our planet, our people: understanding the health impacts of climate change

In this session, we brought together a panel of world-renowned experts to put in focus the physical and mental health impacts of climate change.

Please note: this event has passed.