Ingrid Young
Dr Ingrid Young is a Chancellor’s Fellow in Social Science of Health & Medicine, with training in Sociology and History. Her research examines the interface between biomedicine and public health, with particular consideration of gender, sexuality and wider inequalities in relation to emerging biotechnologies in HIV and sexual health.
Prior to joining the University of Edinburgh, Ingrid worked at the Institute of Development Studies (2004 – 2007) and was a Research Fellow in Sexual Health at the University of Glasgow's Medical Research Council (MRC) / Chief Scientist Office (CSO) Social and Public Health Sciences Unit (2011-2016).
Dr. Young is Co-Investigator of 'Digital Intimacies’.

Digital Intimacies
Digital Intimacies examines how gay & bisexual men negotiate their cultures of intimacy, away from hook-up applications and on to ‘intermedial’ smartphone use.
Project status: Ongoing

Digital Intimacies
Digital Intimacies examines how gay & bisexual men negotiate their cultures of intimacy, away from hook-up applications and on to ‘intermedial’ smartphone use.
Project status: Ongoing