Dr Ines Violante
Senior Lecturer in Healthcare Engineering
Ines Violante is a Senior Lecturer in Healthcare Engineering at the School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences, King's College London.
Dr. Violante has a multidisciplinary background, spanning from cellular to human studies. She earned her BSc in Biochemistry and PhD in Biomedical Sciences from the University of Coimbra. Following her PhD, she was awarded a Sir Henry Wellcome Fellowship, during which she conducted postdoctoral research at both Imperial College London and University College London. Before joining King's, Dr. Violante was a Senior Lecturer in Psychological Neuroscience at the University of Surrey, where she continues to hold a visiting position. She is also a visiting researcher at Imperial College London.
Dr. Violante leads the Neural Systems and Neuromodulation Lab, where her team employs a multidisciplinary approach to characterise and understand brain dynamics and shape the activity of brain networks. Utilising computational models, EEG, MRI, and neuromodulatory techniques such as sensory and electrical stimulation, her lab explores how the brain coordinates interactions between regions. Their work aims to understand and manipulate these interactions to influence behaviour and develop novel treatments for neurological and psychiatric conditions.