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Ibrahim Kabia

Ibrahim Kabia

Operations Officer, Sierra Leone, King's Global Health Partnerships


Ibrahim (aka Ibby Fixer) has been working with King’s Sierra Leone Partnership for the past seven years at the main government hospital, Connaught. He has worked with hundreds of volunteers and staff in the Freetown team from 2014 during the Ebola outbreak, until present. As Operations Officer, he supports all the projects in their day to day activities, like new staff accommodation and pickups, procurement, management of the vehicles, staff professional registrations, and support with training activities.

Ibrahim has a diploma in Procurement and Supply Chains Management, and is currently pursuing his BSc in Procurement and Supply Management. "I am always up for new challenges and hard work, I like to learn new things so you will always find me busy!"

"Outside work, I am a terrible runner but I always like to organize people to exercise on our Thursday beach run. I also manage the best long-distance runners in Sierra Leone called the Freetown Fashpack Runners, and I also have a “fixing” business, where people can contact me to fix all their logistical and organisational problems, for example through this business I became the local representative for the Budapest-Bamako car rally!"