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Hermione Dadone

Hermione Dadone

Events Officer


Hermione joined the Fundraising & Supporter Development team in July 2022. She came to the department following 3 years as Executive Assistant to Professor Bobby Duffy, Director of the Policy Institute, where she enjoyed working with the Policy Institute Events Manager supporting on their dynamic range of events. This experience led her to pursue a dedicated events career at King’s. Utilising her existing relationships, Hermione now leads on all events which FSD runs in partnership with the Policy Institute and the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership, and other high profile King’s events, in order to engage and inspire existing as well as potential supporters.

Prior to joining King’s College in 2019, Hermione worked in secondary education for eight years supporting senior leadership, including managing many events such as large scale open days, award ceremonies and high profile tours. Before joining the education sector she worked in the charity sector for four years, running a range of national conferences, government-funded workshops and a launch event at the House of Commons.

Hermione holds a BA (Joint Hons) in English & Classical Civilisation from the University of Nottingham, and a Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Decision Making from the Open University. Hermione is a member of the Event Academy.

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