Henry completed his degrees in law and mathematics in Australia before coming to the UK for graduate study. He previously taught various subjects generally related to criminal law, evidence, jurisprudence, and legal history, in Canberra, in Oxford, and in Cambridge.
Henry is also currently Deputy Director of Admissions for the Law School.
PhD supervisions
Yes, Henry is accepting PhD supervisions.
Research interests
Henry's research, based on extensive archival work, is generally on the intersection between criminal law, criminal procedure, and legal history. This is an approach relatively rarely taken by modern scholars, and yet it is one that has particular value, since the substantive criminal law and its development are fundamentally linked to the procedures and institutions used to enforce and refine the criminal law throughout its history. Viewing the criminal law on a long historical plane like this is of interest for the history itself, as it is relatively under-explored, and for at least two further reasons.
First, it uncovers the ways in which the criminal law developed through political, judicial, and prosecutorial adventurism in a legal system that was very sophisticated, but in which there was little concern with the principle of legality as now understood.
Second, it illuminates the breadth of substance and purpose in the criminal law. By building a more complete picture of the criminal law and its past, the hope is to provide a more secure foundation for theorising about the criminal law in the present.
Henry currently teaches Criminal Law.