Professor Henrik Mouritsen
Professor of Roman History
Research interests
- History
I was born and educated in Denmark, where I completed my PhD on Pompeii. I came to Britain in 1991 to do postdoctoral research at Cambridge and UCL, and after a period of teaching at the University Leicester, I was appointed to a lectureship at King’s in 1999. Since 2008 I have been Professor of Roman History and between 2009 and 2013 I was Head of the Department of Classics. 2005-8 I held a Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship, and 2013-17 I led a AHRC funded research project aimed at producing a digital prosopography of the Roman republic.
Research Interests
- Political history of the Roman republic
- Roman slavery and manumission
- Pompeii and its reception
- Latin epigraphy
- Roman Italy
My research has focused on Roman social and political history, including late republican politics, Rome and Italy during the republic, local politics and social structure in Roman Italy, especially Pompeii and Ostia, and slavery and manumission. In addition I am interested in historiography, ancient as well as modern, the reception of antiquity, and in Latin epigraphy.
For more details, please see my full research profile.
Selected Publications
- The Roman Elite and the End of the Republic. The Boni, the Nobles and Cicero. Mouritsen, H. 2022, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Politics in the Roman Republic. Mouritsen, H., 2017, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Key Themes in Ancient History)
- The Freedman in the Roman World Mouritsen, H., 2011, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Prosopographic database of the Roman republic: romanrepublic.ac.uk