Dr Hannah Burton qualified in Medicine from the University of Cambridge in 2006 and began her specialist training in Nephrology in 2011. Undertaking an Academic Clinical Fellowship in Professor Anthony Dorling’s lab in 2012 consolidated her research interest in transplantation immunology and led to her current role as an MRC Clinical Research Training Fellow. Her PhD project seeks to investigate whether the phenotype of antigen-specific memory B cells influences the long term outcome after renal transplantation, with a particular focus on highly sensitised recipients.

Transplant Inflammation and Repair Group
A major research theme of the TIR group is ‘vascular inflammation’, focusing on cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in immune responses relevant to transplants.

Transplant Inflammation and Repair Group
A major research theme of the TIR group is ‘vascular inflammation’, focusing on cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in immune responses relevant to transplants.