Professor Guy Tear PhD, FRSB
Professor of Molecular Neurobiology
Research interests
- Neuroscience
Contact details
My research aims to understand the genetic mechanisms that control the establishment of the circuitry of the nervous system and the normal and pathological function of proteins that contribute to neurodegenerative disease. We use Drosophila as a model system to both identify and characterise genes required for axon guidance and to identify functions and pathways regulated by genes associated with neurodegenerative disease. I have published more than 35 research papers with over 4,000 citations. I am also Head of the Genetics Education Department with responsibility for the management of the Molecular Genetics BSc, Molecular Genetics MSci, Medical Genetics iBSc and Genomic Medicine MSc programmes.
Please see my Research Staff Profile for more detail.
Find out more about my research:
Key Publications:
- Connolly et al., 2019. The neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis protein, Cln7, regulates neural development from the post-synaptic cell. Scientific Reports.
- Povellato et al., 2014. Modification of the Drosophila model of in vivo Tau toxicity reveals protective phosphorylation by GSK3beta. Biology Open.
- Cate et al., 2016. Mushroom body defect is required in parallel to Netrin for midline axon guidance in Drosophila. Development.
- Tuxworth et al., 2011. The Batten disease gene CLN3 is required for the response to oxidative stress. Hum Mol Genet.
- Kidd et al., 1998. Roundabout controls axon crossing of the CNS midline and defines a new subfamily of evolutionarily conserved guidance receptors. Cell.
Key Collaborators:
- Dr Richard Tuxworth University of Birmingham
- Dr Kevin Mitchell, Trinity College, Dublin
5 minutes with Guy Tear
Guy Tear is a Professor of Molecular Neurobiology based within the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience. We spent five minutes with Guy to...

5 minutes with Guy Tear
Guy Tear is a Professor of Molecular Neurobiology based within the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience. We spent five minutes with Guy to...