Gulsah Adam was a PhD student in the Department of International Development. Her research focused on economic inequality in Argentina and is funded by the Ministry of National Education, Turkey.
She holds a MSc in International Economics from the University of Essex. her dissertation looked at the trade liberalisation effects on the gender wage gap in Latin America. She holds a BA in Business Administration from Hacettepe University (Turkey).
Thesis title: 'Economics inequality in Argentina'
PhD supervision
- Principal supervisor: Paul Segal
Further details

Global Capitalism, Power & Uneven Development research group
We study the many ways in which the world-system unevenly constrains and drives development everywhere, with its persistent structural hierarchies, dependencies, contradictions, and unequal power relations between classes, ethnicities, genders, races, and states.

Global Capitalism, Power & Uneven Development research group
We study the many ways in which the world-system unevenly constrains and drives development everywhere, with its persistent structural hierarchies, dependencies, contradictions, and unequal power relations between classes, ethnicities, genders, races, and states.