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Gemma Bowsher

Dr Gemma Bowsher

Senior Research Associate

  • Co-Lead for global health security, Centre Conflict and Health Research

Research interests

  • Security
  • Biomedical and life sciences


Dr Gemma Bowsher co-leads on global health security programmes at the Centre for Conflict and Health Research. She is also an associate member of the Centre for Science and Security Studies, and the Global Oncology Group. A social scientist and physician by background, her work focuses on the interface of health security, CBRN and cyber threats in complex settings, particularly those experiencing conflict.

Gemma’s work spans academic, operational and policy domains. She works with governments and international organisations to deliver interdisciplinary programmes in a range of settings such as Ukraine, the MENA region and Brazil. At King’s She teaches on the Department of War Studies MA degrees in Conflict, Security & Development, and Science & International Security, in addition to the Medical School’s iBSc and MSc in Global Health.

Gemma holds a medical degree from King’s College London and a Masters degree in Medical Anthropology from Harvard University. Her doctoral study at King’s has examined health security intelligence systems in complex emergencies. Gemma has held a range of fellowships and external appointments, including Fellowship of the Royal Society of Public Health, the Metro Supply Chain Fellowship of the Canadian Conference of Defence Associations, the Soulsby Foundation Fellowship for One Health, and the Johns Hopkins Emerging Leaders in Biosecurity Fellowship. In addition to her roles at King’s, she is a Senior Research Associate at the Intellectual Forum, Jesus College Cambridge. Gemma also works as a practising physician in the National Health Service.

Research Interests

  • Global Health security
  • Biological and chemical weapons disarmament and non-proliferation
  • Biosecurity
  • Health Intelligence


  • Global Burden of Disease (BSc & MA)
  • Global Health, Local Practice (BSc & MA)
  • Conflict and Health (BSc & MA)
  • Current Issues in Science and Security (MA)


mental health conflict hero
Centre for Conflict & Health Research

Cross disciplinary initiative studying the intersection of global health, security, and political governance in conflict-affected fragile states and regions.

global health
Institute of Cancer Policy

The Institute of Cancer Policy brings together global cancer faculty across King’s College London and it’s NHS partner hospitals under Kings’ Health Partners.


Zoonotic diseases including from domesticated animals pose greatest health security risk, say experts

A new report calls for greater surveillance of diseases in animal populations as part of a fully integrated health security intelligence system

Cats in a cat shelter

Dr Gemma Bowsher of Conflict & Health Research Group wins top graduate prize

Dr Gemma Bowsher has won a contract to conduct to conduct research on health security intelligence in Canada

Gemma wins prize



Science Gallery London: Bat Brunch Lab

Join Bat Brunch Lab researchers to find out how bio-engineered bats can become a superfood for humans, protect endangered species and prevent future pandemics.

Please note: this event has passed.


How do we respond to growing threats to health security?

Our fifth War Studies at 60 seminar explores how to manage the scale and diversity of health security threats.

Please note: this event has passed.


mental health conflict hero
Centre for Conflict & Health Research

Cross disciplinary initiative studying the intersection of global health, security, and political governance in conflict-affected fragile states and regions.

global health
Institute of Cancer Policy

The Institute of Cancer Policy brings together global cancer faculty across King’s College London and it’s NHS partner hospitals under Kings’ Health Partners.


Zoonotic diseases including from domesticated animals pose greatest health security risk, say experts

A new report calls for greater surveillance of diseases in animal populations as part of a fully integrated health security intelligence system

Cats in a cat shelter

Dr Gemma Bowsher of Conflict & Health Research Group wins top graduate prize

Dr Gemma Bowsher has won a contract to conduct to conduct research on health security intelligence in Canada

Gemma wins prize



Science Gallery London: Bat Brunch Lab

Join Bat Brunch Lab researchers to find out how bio-engineered bats can become a superfood for humans, protect endangered species and prevent future pandemics.

Please note: this event has passed.


How do we respond to growing threats to health security?

Our fifth War Studies at 60 seminar explores how to manage the scale and diversity of health security threats.

Please note: this event has passed.