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Gabriel Balaban

Dr Gabriel Balaban

Research Associate


Dr. Gabriel Balaban worked as a research associate at KCL (2016- 2019). His research topics included the biophysical modelling of the heart, arrhythmia prediction, and MRI image analysis in the context of non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy.

His publications from this project include a study on scar shapes in contrast enhanced MRI, as well as a study of the effects of simulated scars on electrical activation patterns and dangerous electrical reentries in dilated cardiomyopathy patients.


Changes in heart shape can predict future sudden cardiac arrest

Preliminary research has found that changes in the shape of the heart could predict sudden cardiac arrest and can be applied to other diseases



Changes in heart shape can predict future sudden cardiac arrest

Preliminary research has found that changes in the shape of the heart could predict sudden cardiac arrest and can be applied to other diseases
