Professor Francesco Mannocci
Professor in Endodontology
Research interests
- Dentistry
Contact details
Prof Francesco Mannocci (MD, DDS, PhD, FHEA) is a Specialist in Endodontics and Restorative Dentistry. He obtained his MD (Pisa, Italy, 1986) and DDS (Pisa, 1990) in Italy, and his PhD in Clinical Dentistry from King's College London in 2001. After having worked in private practice in Pisa for 18 years while collaborating with the University of Siena as a Visiting Professor he became Lecturer in Endodontology at King's College London in 2004, Senior Lecturer/Honorary Consultant in 2006, Head of Endodontology in 2008, and Professor of Endodontology at King’s College London in 2011.
Prof Mannocci has authored more than130 papers in international peer reviewed journals. Prof Mannocci is Associate Editor of the International Endodontic Journal. Prof Mannocci has done research work on subjects including restoration of endodontically treated teeth, instrumentation techniques, dental anatomy, histology, endodontic radiology and endodontic microbiology.
Deb Lab
Biomaterials for regenerative medicine & dentistry.

Centre for Oral, Clinical & Translational Sciences
From toothwear to oral pathology, from facial reconstruction to oral surgery, there's one thing that all our research shares: an underlying desire to make a difference to patients and bring benefits to society. We’re particularly strong in prosthodontics and endodontics research, and our work in this field feeds into our postgraduate programmes.
Root canal treatments overhauled through new device to detect untreated bacteria
A new method of detecting bacteria during root canal treatments could eradicate the need for follow up appointments and prevent treatments from failing,...

Deb Lab
Biomaterials for regenerative medicine & dentistry.

Centre for Oral, Clinical & Translational Sciences
From toothwear to oral pathology, from facial reconstruction to oral surgery, there's one thing that all our research shares: an underlying desire to make a difference to patients and bring benefits to society. We’re particularly strong in prosthodontics and endodontics research, and our work in this field feeds into our postgraduate programmes.
Root canal treatments overhauled through new device to detect untreated bacteria
A new method of detecting bacteria during root canal treatments could eradicate the need for follow up appointments and prevent treatments from failing,...