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Flavia Gasbarri

Dr Flavia Gasbarri

Senior Lecturer in War Studies Education

Research interests

  • History
  • International relations
  • Politics


Dr Flavia Gasbarri is Senior Lecturer in War Studies Education, member of the core team of the Centre for Grand Strategy and co-Chair of the Africa Research Group.She holds a PhD in War Studies from King's College London and, after the end of her doctoral studies, she worked as Teaching Fellow (2015-2019) in the KCL Department of War Studies, covering a broad range of courses on politics, history and diplomacy. In January-July 2015, she was also appointed Teaching Fellow in the Defence Studies Department at the Joint Services Command and Staff College (JSCSC) in Shrivenham, where she worked as Academic Tutor for the British Armed Forces (both at junior and senior level). In 2018-2019, she was Academic Tutor at The Royal College of Defence Studies (RCDS).

Research Interest

  • Cold War in the Third World
  • End of the Cold War
  • Post-Cold War US foreign policy
  • US-Africa relations
  • Southern Africa
  • Horn of Africa
  • African Great Lakes region
  • Rwandan genocide

Flavia Gasbarri's research and main publications focus on the end of the Cold War in the Third World, the development of post-Cold War US foreign policy and US-Africa relations. She has also extensively researched and published on US policy in the Rwandan genocide and in the Great Lakes region.


  • 4SSW1007 History of the International System (BA)
  • 6SSW3004 War and International Politics in Africa (BA)
  • 7SSWN125 Diplomacy and Foreign Policy (MA)



  • US Foreign Policy and the End of the Cold War in Africa: A Bridge between Global Conflict and the New World Order, 1988-1994 (Routledge, forthcoming May 2020)

Journal articles

  • Flavia Gasbarri (forthcoming 2024) "A Second Chance: the Unipolar Moment and the Creation of a UN Permanent Military", Journal of Strategic Studies
  • Flavia Gasbarri (2023) "The United States, South Africa and the Constructive Engagement of the 1980s", Rivista Italiana di Storia Internazionale, 1/2023, 73-95
  • Flavia Gasbarri (2018) "From the Sands of the Ogaden to Black Hawk Down: The End of the Cold War in the Horn of Africa," Cold War History, 18:1, 73-89
  • Flavia Gasbarri (2018) "Revisiting the Linkage: PDD 25, Genocide in Rwanda and the US Peacekeeping Experience of the 1990s," The International History Review, 40:4, 792-813

Book chapters

  • “South Africa’s diplomacy of conflict resolution in the post-apartheid era: the case of the DRC” in New Perspectives on Diplomacy, ed. Jack Spence, Claire Yorke, Alastair Masser (Bloomsbury-IB Tauris, 2021).
  • “Ronald Reagan and the Cold War endgame in the periphery: the case of Southern Africa” in The Reagan Moment: America and the World in the 1980s ed. Jonathan Hunt, Simon Miles (Cornell University Press, 2021).
  • "Africa and the USA" in Africa in Global History: A Handbook, ed. Toyin Falola, Mohammed Bashir Salau (De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2021).


africa research promo
Africa Research Group

The Africa Research Group provides a hub for Africa-focused research within the War Studies Department and across the College.

Centre for Grand Strategy

The Centre for Grand Strategy seeks to bring a greater degree of historical and strategic expertise to statecraft, diplomacy and foreign policy.



Africa Research Forum 2025

The Africa Research Group hosts an annual PhD forum to answer questions and more with a showcase of some of the latest PhD work on Africa from across the...

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Africa Research Forum 2024

What kind of doctoral research on, in and with Africa takes place at King’s College London?

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States of Crisis? Contemporary West African Politics

Join the Africa Research Group for an insightful discussion on recent developments and apparent trends in the region, providing insight into local contexts...

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africa research promo
Africa Research Group

The Africa Research Group provides a hub for Africa-focused research within the War Studies Department and across the College.

Centre for Grand Strategy

The Centre for Grand Strategy seeks to bring a greater degree of historical and strategic expertise to statecraft, diplomacy and foreign policy.



Africa Research Forum 2025

The Africa Research Group hosts an annual PhD forum to answer questions and more with a showcase of some of the latest PhD work on Africa from across the...

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Africa Research Forum 2024

What kind of doctoral research on, in and with Africa takes place at King’s College London?

Please note: this event has passed.


States of Crisis? Contemporary West African Politics

Join the Africa Research Group for an insightful discussion on recent developments and apparent trends in the region, providing insight into local contexts...

Please note: this event has passed.