Dr Flavia Flaviani PhD
Senior Bioinformatician
Research interests
- Biomedical and life sciences
- Cancer
- Cardiovascular
- Cell Biology
- Computer science
Flavia Flaviani (FF) is a Senior Bioinformatician at the Hub for Applied Bioinformatics at Kings College London (KCL). She has joined after working as a senior bioinformatician for the NHS Guys and St Thomas Biomedical Research Centre to support translational bioinformatics for clinical research.
Flavia has a diverse background having achieved a PhD in molecular and cellular Biology (Bioinformatics project on microbial diversity using metagenomics, 16S and 18S) from the University of Cape Town (South Africa), after achieving a second MSc in bioinformatics (viral transcriptomics) from the University of Cagliari (Italy). She has experience in working with a variety of Next generation sequencing technologies and analysis of complex genomics dataset as well as having wet lab experience gained both in hospital settings, public health, and university. Flavia has been involved in various Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) ‘omics analyses for both long and short reads for medical and environmental microbiomes (both 16S and metagenome, including virome), epigenetics (EWAS), RNAseq and metabolome (NMR) and have been part of the HOCI (Hospital-Onset COVID-19 Infections) study which is part of the COG-UK.
Flavia has led and developed training courses and is a certified Data/Software Carpentry Instructor. She actively volunteers to work on mentoring and teaching projects and various public engagement activities such as "I can be", "ResercHers code" and "I am remarkable" (a Google initiative).

The Hub for Applied Bioinformatics (HAB)
Welcome to the Hub for Applied Bioinformatics @KCL, a place where big data are transformed into valuable knowledge that can drive scientific breakthroughs in the fields of life sciences and medicine.

Vigilante Lab
Our primary research areas can be broadly classified as: Use of integration approaches to uncover genotype–phenotype interactions; and,Use of single-cell RNA sequencing to study developmental and stem cell biology

The Hub for Applied Bioinformatics (HAB)
Welcome to the Hub for Applied Bioinformatics @KCL, a place where big data are transformed into valuable knowledge that can drive scientific breakthroughs in the fields of life sciences and medicine.

Vigilante Lab
Our primary research areas can be broadly classified as: Use of integration approaches to uncover genotype–phenotype interactions; and,Use of single-cell RNA sequencing to study developmental and stem cell biology