Professor Evelyn Welch FKC
Former Senior Vice President (Service, People & Planning)
- Former Professor of Renaissance Studies
Contact details
As Senior Vice President (SVP) Service, People & Planning, Professor Evelyn Welch was responsible for leading and coordinating King’s Service, International, National and London activities, ensuring a consistent approach to external engagement that was firmly rooted in our outstanding education and research. With our remarkable community of Academic and Professional Services staff as well our 30,000+ students, King’s is able to make a real difference to some of the world’s complex problems as well as tackling some of our most important local and regional challenges. We can only do this in partnership and this work was supported by teams led by the VP Global Engagement and the VP Communities & National Engagement who, along with the Service and Sustainability teams, Fundraising and Corporate Communications, are key in ensuring that we connect beyond our immediate campus walls.
Professor Welch also led the university's ‘People & Culture’ strategy, bringing oversight to our university-wide work on people, culture, values and inclusivity. She was supported by the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion team and the Dean’s Office in doing so. She also led key parts of King’s planning activities – in particular Estates master-planning – to ensure that the long term development of King’s estate was aligned with our academic ambitions and our service to our wider communities.
Professor Welch was a member of the Principal’s Senior Team, the University Executive and the Senior Leadership Forum.
As Professor of Renaissance Studies, Professor Welch led a range of major research programmes including The Material Renaissance, which was funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and the Getty Foundation, Beyond Text: Performances, Sounds, Images, Objects, a £5.5 million AHRC strategic research programme which ran from 2005-2012 and is a recent recipient of a Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator Award for a major project on ‘Renaissance Skin’. Professor Welch graduated from Harvard University with a BA in Renaissance History and Literature and received her PhD from the Warburg Institute, University of London. She has taught at the Universities of Essex, Birkbeck, Sussex and Queen Mary, University of London, where she served as Dean of Arts and Vice-Principal for Research and International Affairs before taking on the role of Vice-Principal for Arts & Sciences at King’s College London in 2013. In 2022, Professor Welch joined the University of Bristol as Vice-Chancellor and President and currently serves as the Chair of Trustees of the Dulwich Picture Gallery.
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Professor Evelyn Welch appointed Vice-Chancellor of the University of Bristol
Professor Evelyn Welch has today been announced as Vice-Chancellor and President of the University of Bristol from September 2022.

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KCLA Centenary Conversations: Rebuilding our economy and society
Join KCLA for their Centenary series of webinars.
Please note: this event has passed.
King's staff, students and alumni receive Sustainability Awards
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XTX Markets makes £3M donation to support displaced students and academics
King's has received a £3 million donation to support students and academics impacted by the war in Ukraine through the launch of a new Sanctuary Hub.

Professor Evelyn Welch appointed Vice-Chancellor of the University of Bristol
Professor Evelyn Welch has today been announced as Vice-Chancellor and President of the University of Bristol from September 2022.

King's takes a lead in the London Student Sustainability Conference 2022
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King's announces new strategic relationship with The Courtauld
King’s today announces a new landmark 10-year strategic relationship with The Courtauld Institute of Art.

Visible Skin exhibition extended until February 2022
Visible Skin: Rediscovering the Renaissance through Black Portraiture, King’s outdoor exhibition on the Strand, has been extended until 18 February 2022 due...

Black History Month 2021
To mark Black History Month, there will be a range of events taking place across King’s College London and stories shared celebrating the accomplishments of...

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Professor Lucy Chappell appointed as Chief Scientific Adviser
Professor Lucy Chappell, NIHR Research Professor in Obstetrics from the Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine, has been appointed as the next Chief Scientific...


KCLA Centenary Conversations: Rebuilding our economy and society
Join KCLA for their Centenary series of webinars.
Please note: this event has passed.