Dr Ellen Thompson is a Postdoctoral Research Associate working across The Department of Twins Research & Genetic Epidemiology (DTR) and The Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry (SGDP) Centre. Her current research focusses on investigating the relationship between mental and physical health and their shared risk factors and outcomes using data from TwinsUK and the Twins Early Development Study (TEDS). She has expertise in working with large longitudinal datasets, particularly birth cohort studies, to explore environmental risk and protective factors associated with mental health across the life course.
She has taught statistics and research methods for MSc and BSc students, and guest lectures each year for the School of Psychology, University of Sussex.
Education and experience
- Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Twin Research and Genetic Epidemiology, School of Life Course Sciences, King’s College London (2020-)
- Postdoctoral Research Associate, Centre of Longitudinal Studies, Social Research Institute, UCL Institute of Education, University College London (2018-2020)
- PhD School of Psychology, University of Sussex (2014-2018)
- MSc Foundations in clinical Psychology and Mental Health, School of Psychology, University of Sussex (2013-2014)
- BSc Psychology, Reading University (2009-2012)
Research Interests
- Relationship between mental and physical health
- Statistical genetics
- Longitudinal research methods
- Latent variable modelling
- Measurement harmonisation
- LIVES Best Paper Award (2022)
- SLLS Conference Award (2019)
- SSM Conference Award (2017)
- EADP Summer School Award (2017)
- BPS Conference Award (2017)
- ISSBD Travel Grant Award (2016)
- Best Poster Award Sussex University (2015)

TEDS: Twins Early Development Study
The Twin Early Development Study (TEDS) is one of the leading large-scale twin studies in the world. Starting in 1994, it has followed twins born in England and Wales throughout their childhood and adolescence and has now continued into early adulthood.
Experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 associated with poorer mental health
Having symptoms of COVID-19 has been associated with worse mental health and lower life satisfaction.

People with prior mental ill health hit harder by pandemic disruption
People who had higher pre-pandemic levels of depression or anxiety have been more severely affected by disruption to jobs and healthcare during the pandemic,...


TEDS: Twins Early Development Study
The Twin Early Development Study (TEDS) is one of the leading large-scale twin studies in the world. Starting in 1994, it has followed twins born in England and Wales throughout their childhood and adolescence and has now continued into early adulthood.
Experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 associated with poorer mental health
Having symptoms of COVID-19 has been associated with worse mental health and lower life satisfaction.

People with prior mental ill health hit harder by pandemic disruption
People who had higher pre-pandemic levels of depression or anxiety have been more severely affected by disruption to jobs and healthcare during the pandemic,...