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Eleonora Broggi

Eleonora Broggi

PhD Student

Research interests

  • Neuroscience
  • Mental Health
  • Pharmacology


Eleonora joined the Department of Forensic & Neurodevelopmental Sciences in October 2023, as a NIHR Maudsley BRC fully funded PhD student. Given the lack of licenced treatments for the core symptoms of Autism, Eleonora will explore the neural and cognitive mechanisms underlying promising EEG biomarkers, supervised by Prof Declan Murphy and Dr Luke Mason. The overarching aim of her project is to build an eventual record of validation activities on the EEG markers of interest, to move them along the regulatory pipeline toward use in clinical trials of novel treatments for autism.


Prior to joining King’s College London, Eleonora completed a BSc (First-Class) in Biomedical Sciences and a MRes in Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience – Drug Development & Neurohealth (Cum Laude) at Maastricht University, NL. During her master’s studies, Eleonora also gained valuable industry experience as a Global Biomarker & Diagnostic intern at the Precision Medicine department of Novartis Pharma (Basel, CH).


Research Interests:

  • Precision Psychiatry
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Electroencephalography (EEG)
  • Stratification Biomarkers in ASD
  • Transdiagnostic Research