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Eleonora Aiello

Eleonora Aiello

PhD Student & Graduate Teaching Fellow

Research interests

  • Education
  • Disability
  • Good health & well-being (SDG 3)




Eleonora (she/her) is a critical social and political researcher, a PhD Candidate and a Graduate Teaching Fellow at King's School of Education, Communication & Society (ECS).

Her PhD looks at Italian upper-secondary students‘ experiences of mental health and well-being within their places of education.

Eleonora’s professional experience is as an educator in UK secondary schools. She worked prevalently in mainstream contexts, with students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and at safeguarding risk. Her work in schools focused on youth personal development and wellbeing.

She also has experience as a blog writer/editor and student representative. She will shortly start teaching seminars on social justice theory to undergraduate students on the BA Social Sciences at King's.

Eleonora previously graduated from the MA Education, Policy & Society at ECS and the Laurea Triennale in Scienze Internazionali e Istituzioni Europee at Università Degli Studi Di Milano - La Statale.

She is also a Skilled Helper trained up to L3 in Counselling Skills and Studies.

Research interests

Eleonora’s research focuses on youth voices and the intersections between education and wellbeing. She looks at Italy, her country of origin, and the global world.

Some sub-interests include:

  • Disability
  • Relationships and sex education
  • Health education
  • Disabled researchers
  • Neurodiverse/divergent researchers
  • Lived experience researchers
  • Research and education as activism
  • Environmental education
  • Animals and nature in education
  • Participatory and action research
  • Creative research methods
  • Social media analysis
  • Critical theory


Eleonora teaches on the Social Justice and Policy Analysis module.

Find out more on her PURE page.


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Centre for Public Policy Research (CPPR)

The Centre for Public Policy Research is an interdisciplinary research centre research developing critical analyses of social change and social in/justice in education and other policy arenas, sectors and contexts to inform national and international policy debate, social activism, and personal, professional and organisational learning.


women at wokr
Centre for Public Policy Research (CPPR)

The Centre for Public Policy Research is an interdisciplinary research centre research developing critical analyses of social change and social in/justice in education and other policy arenas, sectors and contexts to inform national and international policy debate, social activism, and personal, professional and organisational learning.