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Edward David

Dr Edward David

Director of the Associateship of King's College Lecturer in Ethics & Values

  • Lecturer in Ethics & Values

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I completed a DPhil in Theology and Religion at the University of Oxford, writing on the religious freedom of organisations. Following my doctorate, I held two postdoctoral fellowships at Oxford. First, I was a Research Fellow in the Faculty of Theology and Religion, working on virtue formation in the professions, via a John Templeton Foundation project. Subsequently, I was the McDonald Postdoctoral Fellow in Christian Ethics and Public Life, affiliated with Christ Church, Oxford.

Some of my projects include: Christian approaches to (corporate) religious freedom; AI and the theological significance of creativity; religious madness in the nineteenth-century transatlantic world; and Generation Z's religious and spiritual exemplars. My research features novel methodologies, interdisciplinarity (anchored proudly in the humanities), collaborations with junior researchers and, when possible, a participatory ethos.

In addition to my academic research, I bring ethical intelligence to the workplace. Most notably, since 2014, I have served as an academic consultant for the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses UK programme. In this capacity, I help design and facilitate a best-in-class management education initiative that has supported thousands of small business owners to date, generating significant economic impact for Great Britain. My marketing and sales module for the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women programme on Coursera has been taken by tens of thousands of entrepreneurs across the globe, and has been translated into French, Hindi, Brazilian Portuguese, and Latin American Spanish. I facilitate academic and policy round tables on AI, minority-owned enterprise, and more.

For a list of publications and my latest research projects, please visit my website