Dr Ronald Ti MA MB BS PG DTM&H Grad Cert Mgt Grad Cert Bus Admin GAICD
PhD Candidate
Contact details
Ronald Ti recently completed an MA in Military History and Strategic Studies at Maynooth University and is also a recent (2020) graduate of Higher Command Studies Course at the Baltic Defence College in Estonia.
He is currently a visiting Lecturer in Joint Operations in the Department of Military Studies at the Baltic Defence College, Tartu, Estonia and with the Centre for Military History and Strategic Studies at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth.
Research Interests
- Military logistics
- Military medical logistics
- Modern and future warfare
- Eastern and Central European defence logistics
- Commercial logistic firms and operational contract management
Thesis title: What input factors determine tactical-level resilience in NATO military logistic systems, are these complex adaptive systems, and how could their resilience be assessed to better survive potential Article V NATO Large Scale Combat Operations?
PhD supervisors
Primary: Dr Chris Kinsey
Secondary: Professor Matt Uttley
"Russia's' war in Ukraine: Russian Military Logistics', International Centre for Defence and Security, Tallinn, Policy brief no. 3, 3 June 2022
The British 1915 Dardanelles joint operation: applying the modern Australian Army’s Battlespace Operating Systems metrics to explain defeat. Ti, R., 9 Feb 2022, In: Strife. Winter 2022, 17, p. 130-147 17 p.
Better not re-invent the wheel: how Ireland might benefit from Australia’s comprehensive approach to its Army Reserve. Ti, R., 2 Feb 2022, In: Defence Forces Review. 2021, p. 90-97
How Does NATO Apply Instruments of Power as it Prepares for the Possibility of Conventional Warfare Against a Peer Adversary? Applying a ‘DIMEFIL’ analysis. Ti, R., 19 Nov 2021, In: Journal of Military History and Defence Studies. 2, 1, p. 132-148 16 p.
The Strategic Vulnerability of NATO Blood Supply Logistics: a Case Study of Estonian National Defence. Ti, R., 18 Nov 2021, (Accepted/In press) In: Defense and Security Analysis, Volume 38, Issue 4, 2022, published online, 31 May 2022. p. 369-388
Plenty of Froth but Little Substance? The Review, Security Innovation and the Market. Kinsey, C. & Ti, R., 1 Oct 2021, In: Focus. p. 77-78 2 p.
The UK Integrated Review- A Cargo Cult? Ti, R. & Kinsey, C., 23 Sep 2021, In: Defence-in-depth.
NATO and Evidenced Based Military and Disaster Medicine: Case for Vigorous Warrior Live Exercise Series. Ti, R., Quinn, J., Bencko, V., Bongatrz, A., Stoeva, P., Arsov, A., De Porzi, S., Bohonek, M., Taylor, J., Mitchell, J., Reinhardt, V., Majovsky, P., Kuca, J., Kral, P., Fazekas, L. & Bubenik, Z., 18 Dec 2020, In: Central European Journal of Public Health. 28, 4, p. 325-330 6 p.
Military and Civilian Integrated Logistics: Caveat Emptor (let the buyer beware): considerations for the NATO Article V battlefield. Ti, R., 18 Apr 2018, In: War Studies University Scientific Quarterly. 4, 113, p. 19-33 15 p.
For Baltic Defense, Forget the Forest Brothers. Ti, R. & Blachford, K., 16 Oct 2020, War on the Rocks website
Combat Logistics in the 21st Century: Enabling the Mobility, Endurance, and Sustainment of NATO Land Forces in a Future Major Conflict. Ti, R. & Kinsey, C., 11 Nov 2021, (Accepted/In press) Advanced Land Warfare: Tactics and Operations.. Weissmann, M. & Nilsson, N. (eds.). Oxford Univerity Press; Oxford
"Russia's' war in Ukraine: Russian Military Logistics", International Centre for Defence and Security, Tallinn, Policy brief no. 3, 3 June 2022

Military Logistics: The future battlespace and the UK in the Indo Pacific
Join us for the fifth seminar in the New Voices in Global Security seminar series.
Please note: this event has passed.

Tactical NATO military logistics in major warfighting
Focusing on the Russo-Ukrainian war, Dr Ronald Ti discusses how the resilience of NATO military logistic systems has been degraded due to trends in modern...
Please note: this event has passed.
Plenty of Froth But Little Substance? The Review, Security Innovation and the Market
Dr Christopher Kinsey and Ron Ti


Military Logistics: The future battlespace and the UK in the Indo Pacific
Join us for the fifth seminar in the New Voices in Global Security seminar series.
Please note: this event has passed.

Tactical NATO military logistics in major warfighting
Focusing on the Russo-Ukrainian war, Dr Ronald Ti discusses how the resilience of NATO military logistic systems has been degraded due to trends in modern...
Please note: this event has passed.
Plenty of Froth But Little Substance? The Review, Security Innovation and the Market
Dr Christopher Kinsey and Ron Ti