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Lisa Bostock

Lisa Bostock

Principal Research Fellow and Chair of the IASR Ethics Panel, University of Bedfordshire


Dr Lisa Bostock is Principal Research Fellow and Chair of the IASR Ethics Panel at the University of Bedfordshire, and an investigator on the Multi-Agency Child Safeguarding Evaluation project.

Find out more about her on the Bedfordshire University website.


4 children with muddy boots - by ben wicks
Multi-Agency Child Safeguarding (MACS) Evaluation

This project will provide evidence about what makes Local Safeguarding Children Partnerships (LSCPs) effective.

Project status: Starting


4 children with muddy boots - by ben wicks
Multi-Agency Child Safeguarding (MACS) Evaluation

This project will provide evidence about what makes Local Safeguarding Children Partnerships (LSCPs) effective.

Project status: Starting