I am a Lecturer in Music and have been at King’s since 2022, having previously held teaching and research posts at Cambridge, UC Berkeley and Cardiff.
Research Interests
- 19th- and 20th-Century Music
- Sound Studies
- Environmental Humanities
I work on the politics of sound and listening and I have published essays on Italian and British music, including the history of sound art. I’ve also worked on listening in wartime and sound reproduction technology: my first book, Format Friction, is about the global record industry and the many different ways people listened to shellac discs in Singapore and Malaysia, Italian diaspora in New York, and in South Wales (where I grew up).
Some of my current research looks into conditions under which energy systems become audible, both in musical cultures and in everyday life. Together with co-editors Annette Davison and Laudan Nooshin, and an interdisciplinary group, I am putting together a book called Critical Perspectives on Petrosonics, which focuses on the many ways in which coal and oil have shaped the senses in the Anthropocene. I’m a member of an interdisciplinary network that promotes the study of energy humanities in Wales, and a senior researcher associated with Fiona Smyth’s ERC-funded project (‘Spectres and Camouflage’) on the technological history of silent environments across the twentieth century.
I teach a range of courses on music from 1800 to the present, including music and digital culture, film music, music and the environment, and sound studies. Other courses I have taught include musical futurism in the twentieth century; research methodologies; popular music and media; as well as guest seminars in music, history and literary studies. I am a fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HFEA).
I am always happy to talk to students about dissertation ideas (undergraduate theses, master’s and PhD) so please feel free to be in touch.
Expertise and public engagement
- Convenor of the Music Department's Colloquium Series (open to the public)
Selected publications
- Format Friction: Perspectives on the Shellac Disc (University of Chicago Press, 2024)
- 'Shellac as Musical Plastic', Journal of the American Musicological Society 74/3 (2021), 463–500.
- 'The Reproduction of Caruso', Cambridge Opera Journal 33/1-2 (2022), 161-179.
- Hearing the Crimean War: Wartime Sound and the Unmaking of Sense (Oxford University Press, 2019), winner of the Royal Musical Association/Cambridge University Press Prize for Outstanding Edited Collection 2020.
'Something for everyone': the Colloquium music series returns with new events
The Colloquium Series run by King’s Department of Music opens the 2025 season with a new programme.

Academic brings Eielson-inspired composition to London and Paris
A concert conceived by Dr Luis Rebaza-Soraluz, Reader in Latin American Visual Arts in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, celebrated the...

Insects, Caruso & Swifties: the untold history of the music disc before vinyl
Format Friction, a new book by Dr Gavin Williams, is the first to consider the shellac disc as a global musical format, and sheds light on its origins.

New season for King's music colloquium 23/24
The weekly series held by the Department of Music returns for the new academic year - representing contemporary research within music.

New season for King's music colloquium
The weekly series held by the Department of Music returns - representing contemporary research within music.


Blending Tradition and Innovation: Integrating Traditional Elements in Contemporary Composition
This talk explores the creative process of incorporating traditional musical elements of Peru’s culture and rich history into contemporary composition.
Please note: this event has passed.

Carried by the Winds of Love: On Vocal Celebrity and the Mediation of Intimacy in Somaliland
This talk travels into the musical world of Somali love(-suffering) via the storied life, love and songs of Hargeysa-born singer Khadra Daahir Ciige.
Please note: this event has passed.

Time and Musical Genre
Musicology has, with a few exceptions, been uninterested in theories of genre.
Please note: this event has passed.

Mario Costa, Operetta and Neapolitan Song
This paper explores the crucial contribution of Naples and the Neapolitan song tradition to the development of Italian operetta
Please note: this event has passed.

Blues of Bechet: Rehearing the One-Man Band Recordings
Sidney Bechet’s One-Man Band (1941) challenged the collaborative spirit of jazz.
Please note: this event has passed.

Cyborg Soloists: Music, Technology and Collaborative Practice
This presentation focuses on Dr Zubin Kanga’s research project, Cyborg Soloists.
Please note: this event has passed.

English Art Song and Black Heritage in Early Twentieth-Century London
This talk focuses on a a little-known figure, in the history of English song and London musical life in the early twentieth century: the black British opera...
Please note: this event has passed.

Making Red Music in Late Socialist Vietnam
This colloquium explores the studios of Voice of Vietnam Radio, an institution described as the "mouthpiece of the communist party", to understand what...
Please note: this event has passed.

The Illusion Of One Hand
A look into left hand only piano with examples from Classical and Jazz/Improv history. Plus a glimpse of an ongoing research project in this area.
Please note: this event has passed.

Fluxus Utopia
This talk explores the curious intersection of politics and aesthetics in Fluxus by drawing on the work of Jacques Rancière. In its invitation to experience...
Please note: this event has passed.
'Something for everyone': the Colloquium music series returns with new events
The Colloquium Series run by King’s Department of Music opens the 2025 season with a new programme.

Academic brings Eielson-inspired composition to London and Paris
A concert conceived by Dr Luis Rebaza-Soraluz, Reader in Latin American Visual Arts in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, celebrated the...

Insects, Caruso & Swifties: the untold history of the music disc before vinyl
Format Friction, a new book by Dr Gavin Williams, is the first to consider the shellac disc as a global musical format, and sheds light on its origins.

New season for King's music colloquium 23/24
The weekly series held by the Department of Music returns for the new academic year - representing contemporary research within music.

New season for King's music colloquium
The weekly series held by the Department of Music returns - representing contemporary research within music.


Blending Tradition and Innovation: Integrating Traditional Elements in Contemporary Composition
This talk explores the creative process of incorporating traditional musical elements of Peru’s culture and rich history into contemporary composition.
Please note: this event has passed.

Carried by the Winds of Love: On Vocal Celebrity and the Mediation of Intimacy in Somaliland
This talk travels into the musical world of Somali love(-suffering) via the storied life, love and songs of Hargeysa-born singer Khadra Daahir Ciige.
Please note: this event has passed.

Time and Musical Genre
Musicology has, with a few exceptions, been uninterested in theories of genre.
Please note: this event has passed.

Mario Costa, Operetta and Neapolitan Song
This paper explores the crucial contribution of Naples and the Neapolitan song tradition to the development of Italian operetta
Please note: this event has passed.

Blues of Bechet: Rehearing the One-Man Band Recordings
Sidney Bechet’s One-Man Band (1941) challenged the collaborative spirit of jazz.
Please note: this event has passed.

Cyborg Soloists: Music, Technology and Collaborative Practice
This presentation focuses on Dr Zubin Kanga’s research project, Cyborg Soloists.
Please note: this event has passed.

English Art Song and Black Heritage in Early Twentieth-Century London
This talk focuses on a a little-known figure, in the history of English song and London musical life in the early twentieth century: the black British opera...
Please note: this event has passed.

Making Red Music in Late Socialist Vietnam
This colloquium explores the studios of Voice of Vietnam Radio, an institution described as the "mouthpiece of the communist party", to understand what...
Please note: this event has passed.

The Illusion Of One Hand
A look into left hand only piano with examples from Classical and Jazz/Improv history. Plus a glimpse of an ongoing research project in this area.
Please note: this event has passed.

Fluxus Utopia
This talk explores the curious intersection of politics and aesthetics in Fluxus by drawing on the work of Jacques Rancière. In its invitation to experience...
Please note: this event has passed.