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Ann  Wylie

Dr Ann Wylie

Lecturer in Medical Education

Contact details


I am a Lecturer in Medical Education in Department of Primary Care as well as deputy director of King’s Undergraduate Medical Education in the Community team (KUMEC). My specialist areas include are Health Promotion, Public Health, Global Health and Primary Care.

I am the Elective and Global Health module lead for the MBBS programme, the module lead for Nutrition and Health Promotion for the MPH programme and the Chair of the sub-assessment board for MPH. I also contribute to the iBSc in Primary Care including chairing the sub- assessment board. I run a range of SSCs for the MBBS and advise colleagues running these. I also manage the conference scheme for MBBS students.

My research activities are related to my specialist areas within the context of medical education.



King's delivers innovative virtual global health elective with partner university in India

The online pilot elective was co-designed by King’s academics with colleagues from Manipal Academy of Higher Education

Students participating in the virtual global health elective through video call.


King's delivers innovative virtual global health elective with partner university in India

The online pilot elective was co-designed by King’s academics with colleagues from Manipal Academy of Higher Education

Students participating in the virtual global health elective through video call.