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Dörte  Bemme

Dr Dörte Bemme

Lecturer in Society and Mental Health

  • Lecturer in Global Health and Social Medicine

Research interests

  • Mental Health


Dörte Bemme received her M.A. in Anthropology and Modern Literature from Humboldt University in Berlin and her PhD in Anthropology from the Department for Social Studies of Medicine at McGill University. She was a Social Science and Humanities Research Council Canada (SSHRC) postdoctoral fellow at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the New School for Social Science Research, New York, before joining the Department for Global Health and Social Medicine (GHSM) as a Lecturer in Society & Mental Health.

Dörte’s research interests include the history and anthropology of psychiatry, the globalization and digitalization of mental health care through Global Mental Health, and the production of expert knowledge in interdisciplinary collaborations. Her long-term, multi-sited fieldwork among Global Mental Health actors in international institutions, global academic consortia, virtual and project sites in South Africa and Nepal explores how mental health is experienced, performed and construed at different scales. She has an interest in the production of global knowledge and how cultural, socio-economic and epistemological differences are reconciled. She now studies the use of digital technologies in psychiatry and contributes to the development of neuroecosocial concepts and methods.

Research Interests

  • Globalization of psy-knowledge and care
  • Ethnography of Global Mental Health
  • Digital psychiatry
  • Culture and mental health
  • Social determinants of mental health
  • Interdisciplinarity as practice
  • Scale and scalability
  • Ecosocial theory and methods

Expertise and Public Engagement

Guest Editor of Somatophere Blogpost Series “Tracking Digital Psy” (2020)

Managing Editor of Transcultural Psychiatry



CMP Logo-72dpi
Culture, Medicine & Power research group

The interdisciplinary study of social, cultural, political and historical dimensions of health and illness.

mental health app_promo
Mental Health & Society research group

Seeking to better understand the socio-political dimensions of mental health and illness in the Global North and South.

Together to Transform

A mutual learning platform to develop a social paradigm for global mental health.

Project status: Ongoing

Reproduction research cluster logo
Reproduction Research Group

Our interdisciplinary group examines the complex social, cultural, and political dimensions of reproduction.


£4.7m Wellcome Discovery Award for new research into Race Equity in Health and Social Care

Researchers at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) and the Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy at King’s College London, in...


New report explores the long-term impacts of COVID-19

Members of the ESRC Centre for Society and Mental Health have contributed to a British Academy report exploring the long-term societal impacts of COVID-19.

People walking up stairs.



Launch event: Theorizing the social in mental health research and action

What does a social perspective on mental health look like? And why does it matter? Join us as we explore these questions at our launch of the special issue...

Please note: this event has passed.


Gender Equity in Global Mental Health Research: Call to Action & Next Steps

Join the launch of a new Call to Action – co-developed by 102 women researchers from around the globe – and to discuss next steps in how the Global Mental...

Please note: this event has passed.


Creating knowledge through participatory theatre

Part of the new KERN Public Engagement at King’s Seminar Series (PEAKSS)

Please note: this event has passed.


Rethinking chronicity: an ethnographic perspective on mental health service provision

Part of the Centre for Society and Mental Health seminar series - Rethinking chronicity: an ethnographic perspective on mental health service provision.

Please note: this event has passed.


Anxious China

Book Launch and Panel Discussion

Please note: this event has passed.


Inverting the deficit model in global mental health

In a new paper in PLOS Global Health, researchers from the ESRC Centre for Society and Mental Health have collaborated with mental health practitioners,...

inverting deficit model main image flip

World Mental Health Day: understanding the role of our society

On World Mental Health Day, the ESRC Centre for Society and Mental Health is highlighting the need to understand how societal systems, structures and...

Busy society at tube

Partnerships, Power, Potential: GHSM on from 10

This exhibition takes a look at the research being undertaken by GHSM academics and students across the world.

GHSM on from 10 photo (1)

Mental health and COVID-19: understanding change through shifting lenses

Ahead of World Mental Health Day 2020, Dörte Bemme reflects on this year’s theme “Mental Health for All: Greater Investment, Greater Access”

Woman in face covering


CMP Logo-72dpi
Culture, Medicine & Power research group

The interdisciplinary study of social, cultural, political and historical dimensions of health and illness.

mental health app_promo
Mental Health & Society research group

Seeking to better understand the socio-political dimensions of mental health and illness in the Global North and South.

Together to Transform

A mutual learning platform to develop a social paradigm for global mental health.

Project status: Ongoing

Reproduction research cluster logo
Reproduction Research Group

Our interdisciplinary group examines the complex social, cultural, and political dimensions of reproduction.


£4.7m Wellcome Discovery Award for new research into Race Equity in Health and Social Care

Researchers at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) and the Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy at King’s College London, in...


New report explores the long-term impacts of COVID-19

Members of the ESRC Centre for Society and Mental Health have contributed to a British Academy report exploring the long-term societal impacts of COVID-19.

People walking up stairs.



Launch event: Theorizing the social in mental health research and action

What does a social perspective on mental health look like? And why does it matter? Join us as we explore these questions at our launch of the special issue...

Please note: this event has passed.


Gender Equity in Global Mental Health Research: Call to Action & Next Steps

Join the launch of a new Call to Action – co-developed by 102 women researchers from around the globe – and to discuss next steps in how the Global Mental...

Please note: this event has passed.


Creating knowledge through participatory theatre

Part of the new KERN Public Engagement at King’s Seminar Series (PEAKSS)

Please note: this event has passed.


Rethinking chronicity: an ethnographic perspective on mental health service provision

Part of the Centre for Society and Mental Health seminar series - Rethinking chronicity: an ethnographic perspective on mental health service provision.

Please note: this event has passed.


Anxious China

Book Launch and Panel Discussion

Please note: this event has passed.


Inverting the deficit model in global mental health

In a new paper in PLOS Global Health, researchers from the ESRC Centre for Society and Mental Health have collaborated with mental health practitioners,...

inverting deficit model main image flip

World Mental Health Day: understanding the role of our society

On World Mental Health Day, the ESRC Centre for Society and Mental Health is highlighting the need to understand how societal systems, structures and...

Busy society at tube

Partnerships, Power, Potential: GHSM on from 10

This exhibition takes a look at the research being undertaken by GHSM academics and students across the world.

GHSM on from 10 photo (1)

Mental health and COVID-19: understanding change through shifting lenses

Ahead of World Mental Health Day 2020, Dörte Bemme reflects on this year’s theme “Mental Health for All: Greater Investment, Greater Access”

Woman in face covering