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Debbie Braybrook

Dr Debbie Braybrook BSc, PhD

Research Associate

Research interests

  • Palliative care




Debbie has a background in the sociology of health and illness, with a focus on identities, relationships and health-related communication. She joined the Cicely Saunders Institute as a Research Assistant in 2018, to work towards inclusive health communication for patients living with serious illness and their significant others.

Her current research activities focus on the development and testing of an outcome measure to support person-centred care for children and young people with life-threatening conditions, and inclusive care for LGBT+ people.

She has research interests in intersectionality, inclusivity and equitable care. Debbie is also a founding member of the European Association for Palliative Care task force for LGBT+ Inclusive Palliative & End-of-Life Care.

Research interests:

  • Equitable care
  • Intersectionality in care
  • Appropriate care for LGBT+ people

Research profile


    girl with family childrens hospital balloons csi  780x450
    C-POS: Children’s Palliative care Outcome Scale

    C-POS will be a person-centred outcome measure to be used by children, young people and families affected by life-limiting and life-threatening conditions.

    Project status: Ongoing

    Thumbnail woman and elderly woman smiling
    Better Health & Care Hub

    A world-leading cross-university development in research and education.


    Children experiencing end-of-life care have spiritual concerns

    Children in the UK with life-limiting conditions have spiritual needs that should be identified and met to improve palliative care, new research has found.

    Teddy bear in hospital

    Inclusive health and social care: Improving communication between clinicians and LGBT+ people

    Research from King’s College London featured as an alert on NIHR Evidence, a platform which aims to bridge the gap between research findings and practice.

    pride progress flag

    "A small part of making a big difference": adding pronouns to staff profiles

    Staff at the Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery & Palliative Care can now add pronouns to their online profiles.

    Person in red trousers sitting on sofa using laptop

    Five articles to read for LGBTQ+ History Month

    Discover five articles from the Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery & Palliative Care to read as part of LGBTQ+ History Month.

    Rainbow flag

    • 'MSc Palliative Care: Research Methods & Statistics in Palliative Care
    • MSc Palliative Care: Applying Psychosocial, Cultural, Ethical and Spiritual Issues to Palliative and End of Life Care
    • MSc Palliative Care: Service Development and Policy in Palliative Care
    • Medicine MBBS: Integrated Clinical Practice – Cultural Competence


      girl with family childrens hospital balloons csi  780x450
      C-POS: Children’s Palliative care Outcome Scale

      C-POS will be a person-centred outcome measure to be used by children, young people and families affected by life-limiting and life-threatening conditions.

      Project status: Ongoing

      Thumbnail woman and elderly woman smiling
      Better Health & Care Hub

      A world-leading cross-university development in research and education.


      Children experiencing end-of-life care have spiritual concerns

      Children in the UK with life-limiting conditions have spiritual needs that should be identified and met to improve palliative care, new research has found.

      Teddy bear in hospital

      Inclusive health and social care: Improving communication between clinicians and LGBT+ people

      Research from King’s College London featured as an alert on NIHR Evidence, a platform which aims to bridge the gap between research findings and practice.

      pride progress flag

      "A small part of making a big difference": adding pronouns to staff profiles

      Staff at the Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery & Palliative Care can now add pronouns to their online profiles.

      Person in red trousers sitting on sofa using laptop

      Five articles to read for LGBTQ+ History Month

      Discover five articles from the Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery & Palliative Care to read as part of LGBTQ+ History Month.

      Rainbow flag
      • 'MSc Palliative Care: Research Methods & Statistics in Palliative Care
      • MSc Palliative Care: Applying Psychosocial, Cultural, Ethical and Spiritual Issues to Palliative and End of Life Care
      • MSc Palliative Care: Service Development and Policy in Palliative Care
      • Medicine MBBS: Integrated Clinical Practice – Cultural Competence