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Davide Pigoli

Dr Davide Pigoli

Senior Lecturer in Statistics

Research interests

  • Mathematics


Davide Pigoli received his Ph.D. in Mathematical Models and Methods in Engineering from Politecnico di Milano, Italy, in 2013. His Ph.D. thesis dealt with the statistical inference for covariance operators in functional data analysis and for spatially distributed covariance matrices. He was a Research Fellow in the Department of Statistics of the University of Warwick from February 2013 to March 2014 and a Research Associate in the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics of the University of Cambridge between April 2014 and August 2017. Davide joined King's College London as Lecturer in Statistics in September 2017.


Research interests

  • Functional and high-dimensional data analysis
  • Manifold-valued and object-oriented data analysis
  • Spatial statistics 
  • Applications in linguistics, forensics, quantitative genetics and biosciences


Research Profile

The publication feed is not currently available.


ARTICLE Graphs 2

The group has research strengths in the design and analysis of experiments, time series and Markov chain Monte Carlo and sequential Monte Carlo methods.


Audio-based AI unreliable for predicting Covid-19 infection, study finds

Researchers found that technology using Machine Learning performed no better than simply asking people to report their symptoms




Mean-field reinforcement learning

Conference on mean-field games/mean-field type control, machine learning techniques and deep reinforcement learning based algorithms for dynamic optimization...

Please note: this event has passed.

The publication feed is not currently available.


ARTICLE Graphs 2

The group has research strengths in the design and analysis of experiments, time series and Markov chain Monte Carlo and sequential Monte Carlo methods.


Audio-based AI unreliable for predicting Covid-19 infection, study finds

Researchers found that technology using Machine Learning performed no better than simply asking people to report their symptoms




Mean-field reinforcement learning

Conference on mean-field games/mean-field type control, machine learning techniques and deep reinforcement learning based algorithms for dynamic optimization...

Please note: this event has passed.