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David Reubi

Dr David Reubi

Reader in Sociology and Global Health

Currently on sabbatical until August 2025

Research interests

  • Biomedical and life sciences
  • Equality
  • International development


David Reubi is Associate Professor (Reader) of Sociology and History of Global Health and Medicine.

David's work explores the politics of knowledge in contemporary biomedicine and global health. Specifically, his research explores how the social sciences writ large – from human rights law and micro-economic techniques to epidemiological surveillance and policy entrepreneurship models – have re-configured the way we understand and govern global health and biomedicine today.

His research has been funded by the Wellcome Trust, the British Academy, the European Research Council, the Brocher Foundation and the UK Economic Social & Research Council. Before joining King’s, David worked at the London School of Economics, the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, the United Nations’ High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health.


  • The politics of global health
  • The African cancer epidemic
  • Epidemiological reason and health metrics
  • Postcolonial science studies
  • Economic thought and global health

David is currently principal investigator and working on two research projects, both funded by the Wellcome Trust:

  1. The Cartographies of Cancer in Sub-Saharan Africa, an archival and ethnographic study of epidemiological efforts to chart malignancy on the continent over the last 70 years.
  2. The Biopolitics of the African Smoking Epidemic, an exploration of international efforts to construct and control the growing tobacco epidemic in Africa.


Further details

See David's research profile


    CMP Logo-72dpi
    Culture, Medicine & Power research group

    The interdisciplinary study of social, cultural, political and historical dimensions of health and illness.

    The biopolitics of the African smoking epidemic

    Examining recent international efforts to address the growing non-communicable disease (NCD) burden in sub-Saharan Africa.

    Project status: Ongoing

    Spatialities and Networks of Cancer

    The Spatialities and Networks of Cancer research cluster examines historically and ethnographically practices that spatialize cancer. Working across the North and the South, our research pays particular attention to South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.



    The political stakes of cancer: New contexts, new subjectivities

    This workshop will be the first step in building a global network of early career researchers working on cancer in new contexts and with new subjectivities.

    Please note: this event has passed.


      CMP Logo-72dpi
      Culture, Medicine & Power research group

      The interdisciplinary study of social, cultural, political and historical dimensions of health and illness.

      The biopolitics of the African smoking epidemic

      Examining recent international efforts to address the growing non-communicable disease (NCD) burden in sub-Saharan Africa.

      Project status: Ongoing

      Spatialities and Networks of Cancer

      The Spatialities and Networks of Cancer research cluster examines historically and ethnographically practices that spatialize cancer. Working across the North and the South, our research pays particular attention to South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.



      The political stakes of cancer: New contexts, new subjectivities

      This workshop will be the first step in building a global network of early career researchers working on cancer in new contexts and with new subjectivities.

      Please note: this event has passed.