Professor David Moxey
Professor of Engineering
- Chair of the Faculty Computing Committee
Research interests
- Engineering
Professor David Moxey is a Professor of Computational Engineering at King’s College London, and the UKAEA / RAEng Research Chair in next-generation numerical methods for high-fidelity fusion modelling. Prior to this, he was a Senior Lecturer in Engineering at the University of Exeter (2017-2021) and a research and teaching fellow in the Department of Aeronautics at Imperial College London (2011-2017). He holds a PhD from the University of Warwick, alongside an honorary position at Imperial College London.
His research combines the development of cutting-edge novel numerical methods from academia together with their application to challenging industrial problems in fluid dynamics and fusion. His goal is to design the next generation of computational engineering software which can realise the incredible computational power now being offered in both current and upcoming supercomputers. By harnessing this capability to create digital twins of problems that are presently too difficult or even impossible to instrument experimentally, this will enable a step change in the use of computing in everyday engineering practice. These methods are realised in the open-source spectral/hp element framework Nektar++, which is used by over 60 research groups across the world, and which was recently selected for publication in a special 50th anniversary edition of the Computer Physics Communications journal.
His group is supported by a wide range of funding, most notably the award of a Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair in combination with the UK Atomic Energy Authority. Other funders have included the EPSRC platform grant PRISM and a variety of projects under the ExCALIBUR national priority SPF project, which focuses on the development of new software and numerical methods for exascale supercomputers. This includes EPSRC-funded projects on mesh generation (ELEMENT) and uncertainty quantification (Exa-UQ, EP/W007886/1); research with UKAEA for the application of these methods within nuclear fusion (NEPTUNE); and the Met Office-funded project APinTA to investigate the use of parallel-in-time methods for exascale supercomputing. Additionally, he works closely with several industrial partners; for example, with a current KTP project with Torin-Sifan Ltd to investigate the use of CFD for commercial impeller design.
Research interests
- Computational engineering
- High-order finite element methods
- Modern scientific and high-performance computing
Further information

Computational Engineering
Applying advanced computational methods to engineering practice.
King's Engineer appointed Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair
Professor David Moxey will help advance clean energy development by leading the creation of computational tools for fusion modelling.

King's Engineering and climate change
How research in King's Department of Engineering is addressing climate change


Computational Engineering
Applying advanced computational methods to engineering practice.
King's Engineer appointed Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair
Professor David Moxey will help advance clean energy development by leading the creation of computational tools for fusion modelling.

King's Engineering and climate change
How research in King's Department of Engineering is addressing climate change