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David  Bartlett

Professor David Bartlett

Head of Prosthodontics and Graduate training

Research interests

  • Dentistry


Professor Bartlett leads Prosthodontics at King's which is the largest department for this specialty in Europe, covering over 150 undergraduates and 30 postgraduates with 10 consultants and 20 part time staff. The discipline provides over 1000 dentures, 1500 crowns and over £4M in implant related restorations. Professor Bartlett is an internationally respected specialist in Prosthodontics and regularly gives lectures on tooth wear at international meetings.

Professor Bartlett has published over 140 research publications, written 3 books, numerous chapters and is internationally known for his research on erosive tooth wear. He has about £3M in grant funding, mainly from industry. He is founder of a charity that provides information and support for erosive tooth wear to patients, the public and dental care professionals (

He was awarded the distinguished scientist award in Prosthodontics for 2017 and is a member of the Academy of Prosthodontics.


    Erosive Tooth Wear

    Our world leading team researches the detection, diagnosis, measurement, prevention and treatment of erosive tooth wear.

    1800x500 dentistry_video_hero
    Centre for Oral, Clinical & Translational Sciences

    From toothwear to oral pathology, from facial reconstruction to oral surgery, there's one thing that all our research shares: an underlying desire to make a difference to patients and bring benefits to society. We’re particularly strong in prosthodontics and endodontics research, and our work in this field feeds into our postgraduate programmes.


    Teeth grinding — what really happens when you sleep

    Does your dentist want you to wear a mouthguard? You’re not alone. Bruxism is on the rise. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, the experts tell Helen Rumbelow...


    Campaign to drive routine screening for Erosive Tooth Wear launched by leading UK dental bodies, including King's College London

    Academics at King’s College London’s Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences together with leaders of the Erosive Tooth Wear Foundation and GSK...

    Erosive Tooth Wear Meeting

    King's Dentistry Professor David Bartlett guest editor of British Dental Journal Special Issue on Erosive Tooth Wear

    Erosive tooth wear is the loss of tooth enamel and dentine over time. Increasingly, it is recognised by dentists as a challenging and expensive condition to...

    David Bartlett

    Reduced statherin in acquired enamel pellicle on eroded teeth

    Paper published: Reduced statherin in acquired enamel pellicle on eroded teeth compared to healthy teeth in the same subjects: An in-vivo study.



      Erosive Tooth Wear

      Our world leading team researches the detection, diagnosis, measurement, prevention and treatment of erosive tooth wear.

      1800x500 dentistry_video_hero
      Centre for Oral, Clinical & Translational Sciences

      From toothwear to oral pathology, from facial reconstruction to oral surgery, there's one thing that all our research shares: an underlying desire to make a difference to patients and bring benefits to society. We’re particularly strong in prosthodontics and endodontics research, and our work in this field feeds into our postgraduate programmes.


      Teeth grinding — what really happens when you sleep

      Does your dentist want you to wear a mouthguard? You’re not alone. Bruxism is on the rise. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, the experts tell Helen Rumbelow...


      Campaign to drive routine screening for Erosive Tooth Wear launched by leading UK dental bodies, including King's College London

      Academics at King’s College London’s Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences together with leaders of the Erosive Tooth Wear Foundation and GSK...

      Erosive Tooth Wear Meeting

      King's Dentistry Professor David Bartlett guest editor of British Dental Journal Special Issue on Erosive Tooth Wear

      Erosive tooth wear is the loss of tooth enamel and dentine over time. Increasingly, it is recognised by dentists as a challenging and expensive condition to...

      David Bartlett

      Reduced statherin in acquired enamel pellicle on eroded teeth

      Paper published: Reduced statherin in acquired enamel pellicle on eroded teeth compared to healthy teeth in the same subjects: An in-vivo study.
