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Daniel Starza Smith

Dr Daniel Starza Smith

Senior Lecturer in Early Modern English Literature (1500-1700)

Research interests

  • Literature




After several years working as a travel journalist for Time Out, I realised that my true calling lay in the manuscripts room of the British Library, where I became obsessed first with an anonymous Stuart play fragment, then the sprawling, messy Conway Papers archive, which contained poetry by John Donne. Before coming to King’s I taught at the University of Reading and UCL, before taking up a British Academy Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Lincoln College, Oxford, focusing on Donne’s women patrons. I have worked on the landmark Donne Variorum, the ‘Signed, Sealed, & Undelivered’ project (, and, with Jana Dambrogio of MIT Libraries, have developed the field of ‘letterlocking’, the study of epistolary security before the invention of the envelope. In 2021, we x-rayed and virtually unfolded an unopened letter from the 1690s without breaking its seal – a world first. In the coming years I will be focusing on Donne again, as General Editor of his Correspondence for OUP. I would be especially interested to work with students on aspects of his writing, texts, biography, and intellectual world.

Research interests and PhD supervision

  • John Donne’s life and works, particularly his patrons and friends, and the circulation of his writing in manuscript
  • The literary and material features of early modern letters
  • The history of manuscripts, printed books, libraries, and archives in early modern England and Europe
  • Women’s writing and patronage activities
  • Editorial theory and practice


I contribute to the teaching of early modern literature across all undergraduate years, as well as on Master’s courses, where I also teach graduate research methods.

Expertise and public engagement

With the Unlocking History research group, I have led letterlocking workshops in archives and libraries, reaching conservation staff, scholars, and the general public; I have also consulted for The National Archives and British Library. My reviews of academic books and theatre performances have appeared in the Times Literary Supplement, Review of English Studies, John Donne Journal, Library and Information History, English Studies, and Shakespeare. The work of the letterlocking project has been covered by more than 300 media outlets around the world, click here to see more.

Selected publications

John Donne and the Conway Papers (OUP, 2014)

Manuscript Misellanies in Early Modern England, co-edited with Joshua Eckhardt (Routledge, 2014)

Letterlocking, co-authored with Jana Dambrogio (MIT Press, 2024)

'Unlocking history through automated virtual unfolding of sealed documents imaged by X-ray microtomography' Nature Communications

'Rediscovering John Donne’s Catalogus librorum satyricus', Review of English Studies

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cems skating
Centre for Early Modern Studies

The Centre for Early Modern Studies was established in 2015 to promote research in the early modern period (understood in its broadest sense, roughly 1400-1700).

Shakespeare Centre London

Devoted to research, learning and teaching in Shakespeare and early modern literature and drama - in partnership with Shakespeare's Globe Theatre.

374ce3dd2c61a15b93_Letterlocking_0001_Daniel Smith

This collaborative and interdisciplinary project based on the study of 250,000 archival documents sets out a complete theory for the study of letterlocking.

Project status: Ongoing


X-rays, algorithms, and “letterlocking” reveal the secrets of sealed historic letters

Preserving valuable evidence in 17th Century sealed letters through innovative computational techniques.

Xrays algorithms and letterlocking reveal the secrets of sealed historic letters_hero

Analysing new John Donne manuscript

King’s academic analyses newly discovered John Donne manuscript


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cems skating
Centre for Early Modern Studies

The Centre for Early Modern Studies was established in 2015 to promote research in the early modern period (understood in its broadest sense, roughly 1400-1700).

Shakespeare Centre London

Devoted to research, learning and teaching in Shakespeare and early modern literature and drama - in partnership with Shakespeare's Globe Theatre.

374ce3dd2c61a15b93_Letterlocking_0001_Daniel Smith

This collaborative and interdisciplinary project based on the study of 250,000 archival documents sets out a complete theory for the study of letterlocking.

Project status: Ongoing


X-rays, algorithms, and “letterlocking” reveal the secrets of sealed historic letters

Preserving valuable evidence in 17th Century sealed letters through innovative computational techniques.

Xrays algorithms and letterlocking reveal the secrets of sealed historic letters_hero

Analysing new John Donne manuscript

King’s academic analyses newly discovered John Donne manuscript
