Professor Corinne Houart
Professor of Developmental Neurobiology
- Vice Dean (Research)
Research interests
- Biomedical and life sciences
- Neuroscience
I am the Vice Dean for Research and a Professor of Developmental Neurobiology at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King’s College London.
I lead the Houart group, which has been internationally recognised as leading research into the molecular and cellular mechanisms that drive zebrafish forebrain development and the evolutionary mechanisms underlying vertebrate brain regionalisation. My team is identifying similarities and divergences between zebrafish, mouse and human early forebrain regionalization. This basic research direction brought an understanding of profound development disorders (eg. Foxg1 syndrome). We also devote part of our research effort in understanding motor neurodegeneration and developed an original approach to understanding local RNA regulation driving neuronal maturation and neurodegenerative processes. I have established the use of genome editing in zebrafish at KCL and I drove the initiative of building KLC's state-of-the-art fish facility. We are also interested in RNA regulation in developing and mature neurites in health and disorders (ex: ALS, FTD) and understanding therapeutic avenues for FOXG1 syndrome and related developmental neuro disorders. In 2017 I received the Suffrage Science Award from the Medical Research Council.
Please see my Research Staff Profile for more detail
Find out more about my research:
CDN - Corinne Houart
Key publications:
- Thomas-Jinu et al. 2017 Non-nuclear Pool of Splicing Factor SFPQ Regulates Axonal Transcripts Required for Normal Motor Development. Neuron.
- Bielen et al. 2012 BMP signaling protects telencephalic fate by repressing eye identity and its Cxcr4-dependent morphogenesis. Dev Cell.
- Danesin et al. 2009 Integration of telencephalic Wnt and hedgehog signaling center activities by Foxg1. Development Cell
Key collaborators:
- Professor Christopher Shaw, King's College London
- Professor Eugene Makeyev, King's College London
- Professor Laure Bally-Cuif, King's College London
- Professor Rosalind Segal, King's College London

RNA Biology
RNA is at the forefront of biomedical research for its central role in how information is transferred from DNA to protein. This Research Interest Group is open to all interested parties from across the University.

The Francis Crick Institute
King’s is delighted to be a founding academic partner alongside UCL and Imperial College in the Francis Crick Institute, joining the multidisciplinary research expertise from all the Partners together to deliver world-leading biomedical research.
Legacy donations to fund research into bipolar disorder and multiple sclerosis
Gifts in Wills left by Margaret Potts and John Clitherow will enable two laboratory research projects into bipolar disorder, and fund a research project on...

Professor Matthew Grubb delivers his inaugural lecture "Nosing around in the changing brain"
On 9 May 2024, Professor Grubb delivered his inaugural as Professor of Neuroscience at King's College London

BBSRC Pioneer Award funds research into the impact of allele-biased gene expression on animal physiology
Professor Hindges, Professor Houart, and Dr Ch’ng at the Centre for Developmental Neurobiology will establish a novel zebrafish model to study the...

Lord O'Shaughnessy visits King's College London and the NIHR King's Clinical Research Facility
Lord O’Shaughnessy, Former Health Minister and Senior Partner at consultancy firm Newmarket Strategy visited IoPPN and the NIHR King's Clinical Research...

Researchers reveal a new ALS hallmark, shedding light on a likely trigger of neurodegeneration
New research from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King’s College London has identified a new hallmark of the...

Scientists identify novel essential non-nuclear roles of spliceosome protein during neuronal connectivity
This is the first evidence that a major protein component of a splicing machinery located outside the nucleus can regulate key splicing events in neuronal...

Professor Corinne Houart & Professor Beatriz Rico elected as new EMBO Members
Professor Corinne Houart and Professor Beatriz Rico have been elected as new members of the European Molecular Biology Organization.

Researchers discover new gene mechanism underlying neurodegenerative disorders
Researchers from King’s College London and the Francis Crick Institute have discovered a key gene mechanism which is associated with neurodegenerative...

The Suffrage Science Awards
The Suffrage Science awards, curated by the MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences, celebrate women in science and engineering, and encourage others to...
Celebrating Neuroscience Research this Brain Awareness Week
This year, Brain Awareness Week was held from 14 to 22 March 2022. Brain Awareness Week is the global campaign to foster public enthusiasm and support for...


RNA Biology
RNA is at the forefront of biomedical research for its central role in how information is transferred from DNA to protein. This Research Interest Group is open to all interested parties from across the University.

The Francis Crick Institute
King’s is delighted to be a founding academic partner alongside UCL and Imperial College in the Francis Crick Institute, joining the multidisciplinary research expertise from all the Partners together to deliver world-leading biomedical research.
Legacy donations to fund research into bipolar disorder and multiple sclerosis
Gifts in Wills left by Margaret Potts and John Clitherow will enable two laboratory research projects into bipolar disorder, and fund a research project on...

Professor Matthew Grubb delivers his inaugural lecture "Nosing around in the changing brain"
On 9 May 2024, Professor Grubb delivered his inaugural as Professor of Neuroscience at King's College London

BBSRC Pioneer Award funds research into the impact of allele-biased gene expression on animal physiology
Professor Hindges, Professor Houart, and Dr Ch’ng at the Centre for Developmental Neurobiology will establish a novel zebrafish model to study the...

Lord O'Shaughnessy visits King's College London and the NIHR King's Clinical Research Facility
Lord O’Shaughnessy, Former Health Minister and Senior Partner at consultancy firm Newmarket Strategy visited IoPPN and the NIHR King's Clinical Research...

Researchers reveal a new ALS hallmark, shedding light on a likely trigger of neurodegeneration
New research from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King’s College London has identified a new hallmark of the...

Scientists identify novel essential non-nuclear roles of spliceosome protein during neuronal connectivity
This is the first evidence that a major protein component of a splicing machinery located outside the nucleus can regulate key splicing events in neuronal...

Professor Corinne Houart & Professor Beatriz Rico elected as new EMBO Members
Professor Corinne Houart and Professor Beatriz Rico have been elected as new members of the European Molecular Biology Organization.

Researchers discover new gene mechanism underlying neurodegenerative disorders
Researchers from King’s College London and the Francis Crick Institute have discovered a key gene mechanism which is associated with neurodegenerative...

The Suffrage Science Awards
The Suffrage Science awards, curated by the MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences, celebrate women in science and engineering, and encourage others to...
Celebrating Neuroscience Research this Brain Awareness Week
This year, Brain Awareness Week was held from 14 to 22 March 2022. Brain Awareness Week is the global campaign to foster public enthusiasm and support for...