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Christian  Leathley

Christian Leathley

Head of US and Latin American Arbitration practices, Herbert Smith Freehills


Christian Leathley is the Head of the Latin America Group, as well as the US Head of International Arbitration, at Herbert Smith Freehills LLP, New York. He specializes in international commercial and investment arbitration and has nearly 20 years' experience of working in all countries throughout Central and South America. He also sits as an arbitrator in English and Spanish language arbitrations.

Christian Leathley will be one of seven guest speakers for the King's College London Executive Course on International Commercial Arbitration in Summer 2023, joining with our academic faculty course leaders to talk on The Regulatory Framework of International Commercial Arbitration: overview of the New York Convention, National Arbitration laws (incl. UNCITRAL Model Law), arbitration rules and soft law.