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Chris Edwards

Chris Edwards



Dr Chris Edwards is conducting qualitative analyses of the experiences of adopted individuals and their parents within the longitudinal English and Romanian Study (ERA), with a focus on the period in which the adoptees became adults. He is using thematic analysis to examine participants’ perceptions of clinical needs and service use, adoptee concepts of self and other, and the effect of parenthood upon the adoptees.

Chris completed a BA in Psychology at the University of Manchester and a PhD at Swansea University. During his doctoral studies, he investigated insight experiences through discussion of personal dream experiences in structured discussions using mixed methods.

Research interests

  • Evaluation of long-term support strategies for individuals who have suffered deprivation in the early years of life.
  • Perceptions of clinical service use and clinical service needs.
  • Qualitative analysis of personal experiences.
  • Qualitative analysis of self-concept.
  • Exploration and understanding of dream experiences in the context of life experience when awake.
  • Experiential group work techniques.


Experimental Psychopathology and Neuro-Development Group

ExPAND focuses on understanding neuro-developmental disorders and mental health conditions across the lifespan.


Experimental Psychopathology and Neuro-Development Group

ExPAND focuses on understanding neuro-developmental disorders and mental health conditions across the lifespan.