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Chantelle James

School Postgraduate Research Officer


As the Postgraduate Research Officer in the School of Education, Communication & Society, Chantelle's key responsibilities are:

  • To provide a full range of support to the School’s Postgraduate Research (PGR) Lead in the development and delivery of the School’s PGR programmes.
  • To act as the first point of contact and provide comprehensive advice to staff and students on all aspects relating to the PGR programme.
  • To maintain the School’s PGR programme records, including supervisor training records and workload allocation, and records of student progression, completion, and withdrawal, liaising with the Assessment & Records Centre and King’s Admission Office as required.
  • To provide administrative support for the PGR training programme (eg, liaising with academic contributors, room booking, monitoring attendance).
  • To be responsible for the allocation, management and administration of PhD studentships, small grants, and related PGR budgets, including setting up and monitoring student stipend payments, processing expense claims, booking travel/accommodation, monitoring expenditure, supporting recruitment to new scholarships, processing purchase orders, working with School Business Team colleagues to arrange payments for external speakers.