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Cecilia  Trevino

Cecilia Trevino

Technology Enhanced Learning Advisor

Research interests

  • Languages


Cecilia Trevino studied Psychology and Journalism in Mexico and London and worked as a correspondent for several years before taking an MA in Applied Language Studies at University of Westminster. Her thesis looked at the impact of using technology enhanced materials in language learning. Since she joined King’s in 2004 she has been actively involved in TEL projects including:

  • Interactive Placement Tests
  • Spanish for Medics and other health professionals blended version (College Teaching Fund), European Award for Languages (2008) Highly commended
  • Spanish for Medics and other health professionals online (LC eLearning Fund and ITS support)
  • Languages and Communication Skills project (College Teaching Fund, Annual Fund, Roberts’ Fund and LC eLFund)
  • Spanish Grammar Application for Android devices (TEL Fund)
  • Online Formative Assessment
  • Using ePortfolios to support language learning


  • Trevino, C. Una Isla por Otra. Entrevistas con Guillermo Cabrera Infante, Colección Periodismo. Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Julio 2018. ISBN 978-607-27-0920-1
  • Trevino, C. and De Lafuente Duff, M. (2005) ¡Qué Alivio! Spanish for Medics and other health professionals, London: King's College London.
  • Trevino, C. and López-Vázquez Alejandra, Benefits of integrating online interactivity in formative assessment in language learning at beginner level e-Learning Papers • ISSN: 1887-1542 • papers n.º 45 • November 2015