Ms Carolyne Stewart MA, BA (Hons), FHEA, RNT, RN
Carolyne’s critical care nursing experience spans 16 years in various intensive care units throughout the UK.
For several years she was a clinical educator and a practice development nurse within a large neuro-trauma intensive care centre. She, therefore, retains a strong interest in clinical education and is currently the leader for the intensive care nursing module, providing ICU nurses with a specialist qualification in critical care.
Carolyne joined Kings College London faculty in 2017 as a Teaching Fellow and is currently a Lecturer in the Department of Adult Nursing.
Carolyne holds an MA in clinical education and is also a Fellow of the UK HEA. She has also previously worked as a clinical research nurse in intensive care and is interested in quality improvement and staff support in critical care
Critical Care Training at NHS Nightingale
Nursing educators from King's talk about their experiences training staff on the front line of the pandemic response.

King's volunteers support the NHS
Staff and students from King’s health faculties have been supporting the NHS clinical response to the pandemic at its most critical time.

- Intensive Care Nursing module
- Acutely ill adult and high dependency module
- Programme lead for Advanced Critical Care Practitioner (ACCP)
Critical Care Training at NHS Nightingale
Nursing educators from King's talk about their experiences training staff on the front line of the pandemic response.

King's volunteers support the NHS
Staff and students from King’s health faculties have been supporting the NHS clinical response to the pandemic at its most critical time.

- Intensive Care Nursing module
- Acutely ill adult and high dependency module
- Programme lead for Advanced Critical Care Practitioner (ACCP)