Miss Caroline Reed
PhD Student
- Principal Maxillofacial Prosthetist
Contact details
Caroline Reed has worked at Guy's Hospital as the manager of the maxillofacial and orthodontic laboratory since 2014, managing an expanding team of maxillofacial prosthetists/reconstructive scientists and orthodontic technicians.
The team treats patients for a wide range of prosthetic devices including, ocular, orbital, nasal, auricular, digit, nipple and body contour prostheses as well as keloid splints, nasal obturators (for scar and speech) and undertaking orthognathic surgical planning.
An expansion of the workflow into digital technologies has increased the services they can offer to patients/clinicians for pre surgical planning and production of splints and guides used during surgery. Caroline is the lead for 3D surgical reconstruction planning and 3D orthognathic surgical planning working closely with the surgeon to achieve the best outcome for the patient.
Caroline teaches students coming through the three MSc programmes for their profession on the theoretical and practical elements of ocular prosthetics and orthognathic surgical planning and has lectured at conferences, as well as to staff and students within KCL and GSTT, and externally to schools.
She is also undertaking a PhD that uses virtual reality and eye tracking software to observe the reactions of healthcare professionals and the general public to patients with facial disfigurements, with the aim of understanding interactions encountered and support needed for individuals that are visibly different.

Academic Centre of Reconstructive Science
ACRS is nationally and internationally recognized as a Centre of Excellence for Maxillofacial and Craniofacial Rehabilitation.
FoDOCS PGR Awards 2024
This special new awards initiative, just for our PGR students, aims to recognise, value and celebrate the collegiality of PGR students, and their...

The life-changing art of making facial prosthetics
Caroline Reed, Maxillofacial Prosthetist, shares her work with the Financial Times Magazine.

Academic Centre of Reconstructive Science
ACRS is nationally and internationally recognized as a Centre of Excellence for Maxillofacial and Craniofacial Rehabilitation.
FoDOCS PGR Awards 2024
This special new awards initiative, just for our PGR students, aims to recognise, value and celebrate the collegiality of PGR students, and their...

The life-changing art of making facial prosthetics
Caroline Reed, Maxillofacial Prosthetist, shares her work with the Financial Times Magazine.