Caroline Da Cunha Lewin
PhD Student
Caroline Da Cunha Lewin is a PhD student, general nurse and service-user researcher who joined Service User Research Enterprise, part of the Department of Health Service and Population Research at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience at King’s College London.
She is a recipient of the London Interdisciplinary Social Science Doctoral Training Partnership studentship. Her areas of expertise include self-harm, mental distress, Patient and Public Involvement and qualitative research methodology.
Caroline gained both her First Class Honours BSc in Adult Nursing and Distinction grade MSc in Mental Health Studies at King’s College London. She has worked in a variety of clinical, educational and academic roles in the NHS and higher education, specialising mostly in adult mental health.
Most recently, she was based at King’s College London at the NIHR Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre as a mental health research nurse in the PPI theme. This involved managing research projects examining patient experience of mental health services.
Research Interests
Caroline's doctoral project focuses on the lived experience (LE) of self-harm from a survivor perspective. Using qualitative methodology, she is investigating how people with LE and clinicians conceptualise the phenomenon. This will involve particular consideration of the intersect between embodied emotionality and trauma and whether, and how, this accounts for self-harm experience. This work will also consider how self-harm may be variably constructed and perceived across differing perspectives and experiences, and the implication of this on personal, relational and societal response to LE. Through this work, she is interested in developing a holistic understanding of self-harm experience to improve the efficacy and validity of clinical practice, research and discourse.
PhD supervisors
Expertise and Public Engagement
Caroline currently lectures at both undergraduate and postgraduate level on topics such as the LE of mental distress and self-harm, survivor epistemology, qualitative methodology, including reflexivity, and participatory methods in research (such as Patient and Public Involvement in mental health research).
Her doctoral research includes collaborating with an advisory panel of people with LE of self-harm.
Fusar-Poli. P., Estradé. A., Stanghellini. G., Esposito. C.,, Rosfort., R., Mancini. M., Norman. P., Cullen. J., Adesina. M., Benavides Jimenez. G., da Cunha Lewin. C., Drah. E. A., Julien. M., Lamba. M., Mutura. E., Prawira. B., Sugianto. A., Teressa. J., White. L. A., Damiani. S., Vasconcelos. C., Bonoldi. I., Politi. P., Vieta. E., Radden. J., Fuchs. T., Ratcliffe. M. & Maj. M. (2023). The lived experience of depression: a bottom-up review co-written by experts by experience and academics. World Psychiatry 22(3), 352-365.
Da Cunha Lewin. C., Leamy. M., & Palmer. L (2023). How do people conceptualise self-harm recovery and what helps in adolescence, young and middle adulthood? A qualitative meta-synthesis. Journal of Clinical Psychology.
Da Cunha Lewin. C., Hudson, G. & Parri. L. (2023). “Anorexia-lite”: the dangers of weight classification in diagnosis. The Lancet Psychiatry. DOI:10.1016/s2215-0366(23)00263-8.
Da Cunha Lewin. C. (2022). Living with self-harm: Advice on offering compassionate, non-judgemental care to people who self-harm from nurse Caroline da Cunha Lewin, who has personal experience of this behaviour. Emergency Nurse 30, (2), 16-18.
Taylor. R., Crowther. A., Tinch-Taylor. R., da Cunha Lewin. C., Cali. C., Reeder. C., Cella. M. & Wykes. T. (2024). Evaluation of a new online cognitive remediation therapy (CIRCuiTS) training for mental health professionals. Psychopathology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice.
Service User Research Enterprise
SURE (the Service User Research Enterprise) is a unique academic research group comprised predominantly of neurodivergent researchers and survivor researchers with direct experience of trauma violence and abuse, mental distress, and/or using (or refusing) mental health services. SURE offers Advisory Sessions on patient and public involvement (PPI) to researchers in Mental Health and Psychological Sciences (IoPPN) and the Centre for Society and Mental Health (KCL). Please visit our booking page to find out more.
Service User Research Enterprise
SURE (the Service User Research Enterprise) is a unique academic research group comprised predominantly of neurodivergent researchers and survivor researchers with direct experience of trauma violence and abuse, mental distress, and/or using (or refusing) mental health services. SURE offers Advisory Sessions on patient and public involvement (PPI) to researchers in Mental Health and Psychological Sciences (IoPPN) and the Centre for Society and Mental Health (KCL). Please visit our booking page to find out more.