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Carlos Zaforteza

Dr Carlos Zaforteza

Teaching Fellow (Laughton Naval History Unit)

Research interests

  • Conflict and security
  • History


Dr Alfaro graduated from King´s College London (BA War Studies) and Birkbeck (MA History). He received his PhD from King´s College London in 2011. He has publihsed in various journals in Europe and America, and lectured at the Brazilian Naval War College. He is presently a member of the Strategic Leadership project, set up by the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas and the Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos (Madrid). He is currently working on a collaborative study of European navies and warfare and a study on Spanish foreign and naval policy in the nineteenth century.

Research Interests

  • Spanish and Latin American foreign and defence policy, history and current
  • Naval history, modern and contemporary
  • Maritime security
  • Theories of sea power


6SSW3002 Pirates off the starboard bow: Crime and Violence on the High Seas

7SSWM109 Navies and Sea Power 1793-2017