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Cally Gill

Dr Cally Gill

School Bioresource Manager


Cally is the School Bioresource Manager for the School of Life Course and Population Sciences. She has worked in the Department of Women and Children's Health since 2010, building the bioresource facilities for clincial study sample collection, processing and storage. In her current post, she is responsible for developing an efficient and sustainable strategy for sample storage across the school. She is able to advise on technical aspects of study design and delivery, costings and compliance matters.

Dr Cally Gill is also a course teacher on Module 7MRWWC02: Scientific and Clinical Research Skills in Practice, teaching the database and sample management section. This module is part of the MSc Women and Children’s Health.


Family thumbnail
eLIXIR, Born in South London

Addressing relationships between maternal and child physical health and investigating interactions with mental health

Children of UpBeat thumbnail
Children of UPBEAT

To study heart and blood vessel health in children born to mothers with obesity who had participated in the UK Pregnancies Better Eating and Activity Trial.

Project status: Ongoing


Family thumbnail
eLIXIR, Born in South London

Addressing relationships between maternal and child physical health and investigating interactions with mental health

Children of UpBeat thumbnail
Children of UPBEAT

To study heart and blood vessel health in children born to mothers with obesity who had participated in the UK Pregnancies Better Eating and Activity Trial.

Project status: Ongoing