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Bronwyn Parry

Professor Bronwyn Parry

Visiting Professor

Research interests

  • Biomedical and life sciences
  • Equality
  • Medicine
  • Policy


Professor Bronwyn Parry is a Visiting Professor in the Department of Global Health & Social Medicine. She is currently the Dean of The Australian National University's College of Arts and Social Sciences.

Before this, she was a Professor of Global Health & Social Medicine at King's, as well as Co-Director of the King’s Sanctuary Programme, supporting the university’s response to the global issue of forced displacement. The King's Sanctuary Programme was formed in 2015 in response to the global issue of forced displacement, which affects more than 60 million people worldwide. It initiates and leads on projects that create positive opportunities for young people whose education has been disrupted due to being displaced and includes the Partnership for Digital Learning and Increased Access (PADILEIA), Sanctuary Scholarships and the King’s Refugee Community Sponsorship Scheme.


  • The rise and operation of the life sciences industry,
  • Informationalism
  • The commodification of life forms
  • Posthumanism
  • Applied bioethics
  • Legal approaches to the regulation of nature
  • Public understanding and reception of science

Bronwyn's first book, 'Trading the Genome: Investigating the Commodification of Bio-information' revealed how biological materials are collected for use in the US pharmaceutical industry and how the engineered artefacts derived from them (i.e. cell lines, tissues samples and sequenced DNA) are then traded internationally as part of a new global resource economy in ‘bio-information.’

She subsequently received a major grant from the Wellcome Trust to investigate the social, ethical and legal complexities that attend the creation and operation of human tissue banks in the UK, completing this work through a three-year ethnography of the Addenbrooke’s Hospital Brain bank.

As part of her wider commitment to promoting the visual arts as a medium for communicating complex ethical issues in science to a wider public, she mounted a groundbreaking interactive exhibition 'Mind Over Matter' with the artist Ania Dabrowska in 2011, which explored attitudes to memory loss and brain donation for dementia research.

Bronwyn was elected to the Nuffield Council on Bioethics in 2007 and has contributed to reports on the forensic use of bio-information, the recent crisis in public health in the UK and dementia care. She has also undertaken comparative work on the role of international regulatory regimes and acted as a consultant for the United Nations and the UK government in this capacity.

Bronwyn’s primary research interests lie in investigating how human-environment relations are being re-cast by technological, economic and regulatory change.

She is about to embark on a new collaborative international bioethics project that investigates the production, consumption and regulation of assisted reproductive services in rural and urban centres within India. 

Further details

See Bronwyn's research profile


    Biotechnology & Society research group

    Addressing the social, ethical and legal questions arising from developments in health and biomedicine using a multidisciplinary research approach.

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    Reproduction Research Group

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      Biotechnology & Society research group

      Addressing the social, ethical and legal questions arising from developments in health and biomedicine using a multidisciplinary research approach.

      Reproduction research cluster logo
      Reproduction Research Group

      Our interdisciplinary group examines the complex social, cultural, and political dimensions of reproduction.


      XTX Markets makes £3M donation to support displaced students and academics

      King's has received a £3 million donation to support students and academics impacted by the war in Ukraine through the launch of a new Sanctuary Hub.

      A red flag with the King's College London logo

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      King's has today announced they are partnering with Citizens UK to lead on a sponsorship model for UK universities to best implement the Government's Homes...

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      King's ranked 11th in the world for social and environmental impact

      King’s recognised for delivering the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in the 2021 THE Impact Rankings.


      Help support King's refugee sponsorship scheme

      Discover how you can support King’s commitment to be a Refugees Welcome University.

      The Al Shaabin family with members of the Peckham Sponsors Refugees local residents group

      King's co-hosts the London Student Sustainability Conference 2021

      Students from across London presented their ideas for a more sustainable future.

      Student posters presented at the London Student Sustainability Conference 2021

      Help support King's refugee sponsorship scheme

      Discover how you can support King’s commitment to be a Refugees Welcome University

      The Al Shaabin family with members of the Peckham Sponsors Refugees local residents group

      Citizens UK name King's as first 'Refugees Welcome University'

      Citizens UK has recogised King's for its contribution to the global issue of forced displacement and the educational potential of refugees.

      PADILEIA graduates.

      Four New PLUS Alliance Fellows in SSPP

      Four colleagues in SSPP have been appointed as Fellows of the PLUS Alliance, a partnership of three universities including King's College London.

      The Earth from space



      The Detinova Technique: Global Health in the Shadows of Soviet Entomology

      This event with Professor Ann Kelly recounts the global health trajectory of a Soviet method of mosquito dissection.

      Please note: this event has passed.


      Things That Art: Exhibition Launch & Panel

      This evening launches a section of drawings from the new book 'Things that Art' by Professor Lochlann Jain and includes a discussion with architect Dr Maria...

      Please note: this event has passed.


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      Professor Bronwyn Parry started out as a carpenter in the movie industry - but it was her very personal experiences of the AIDS pandemic in Australia that led...

      The World Made Me global affairs

      Developing a university blueprint for sponsoring refugees

      The invasion of Ukraine means we need to ramp up our existing work and experience with supporting Syrian refugees through community sponsorship.

      Refugees are welcome

      How the AIDS pandemic shaped my career

      Professor Bronwyn Parry reflects on her experience during the 1980s as HIV and AIDS spread through Sydney, Australia – and how this period went on to shape...

      HIV infected cell electron micrograph 1903x558

      LGBT History Month 2020: an interview with Professor Bronwyn Parry

      For LBGT History Month 2020, we spoke with Professor Bronwyn Parry, about the importance of reflecting on the lived experiences of LGBTQ+ people in...

      pride-flags hero