Dr Bernard Geoghegan
Reader in the History and Theory of Digital Media
Research interests
- Digital
- History
- Media
Bernard Dionysius Geoghegan is a media theorist and historian of science researching how digital technologies shape science, culture, and the environment. He has also worked as a curator. Bernard earned a binational Ph.D. from Northwestern University and Bauhaus University Weimar. He has written on such topics as Orientalism in informatics, anxiety and vigilance shape networked communications, the political origins of interactive digital interfaces, how the rise cybernetics shaped fields such as French theory and family therapy, German media theory, and relations between new media and the occult. His essays appear in journals including Critical Inquiry, Grey Room, Representations, and Theory, Culture & Society. Bernard taught at Yale University, Coventry University, the Humboldt University of Berlin, and the American University of Paris.
Bernard may be reached at www.bernardg.com
Research Interests and PhD Supervision
- History and theory of digital media
- Ethnicity in histories of AI and HCI
- Critical histories of media interactivity
- The psychic and affective aspects of networked communication
For more details, please see his full research profile.
History and theory of digital media, STS, critical media practice.
Expertise and Public Engagement
Experience in media curation and educational programming around the Anthropocene and screen cultures.
Selected publications
- “Orientalism and Informatics: The Alterity in Artificial Intelligence, from the Chess-Playing Turk to Amazon’s Mechanical Turk.” Ex-Position 43 (June 2020): 45-90.
- “Textocracy, or, the Cybernetic Logic of French Theory.” History of the Human Sciences 33, no. 1 (2020): 52-79.
- “An Ecology of Operations: Vigilance, Radar, and the Birth of the Computer Screen.” Representations 147, no. 1 (August 2019): 59–95. https://doi.org/10.1525/rep.2019.147.1.59.
- “The Smartness Mandate: Notes Towards a Critique” (third author with Orit Halpern and Rob Mitchell). Grey Room 68 (Summer 2017), 106–129.
- “The Family as Machine: Film, Infrastructure, and Cybernetic Kinship in Suburban America.” Grey Room 66 (Winter 2017), 70-101.
New book uncovers the “digital” history of the humanities
Dr Bernard Dionysius Geoghegan explores the pre-history of digital humanities and big data in 20th century experiments around cybernetics, computing, and...


Ethnicity and AI
How do ethnic, racial, and colonial histories inform historical and contemporary practices of AI?
Please note: this event has passed.
New book uncovers the “digital” history of the humanities
Dr Bernard Dionysius Geoghegan explores the pre-history of digital humanities and big data in 20th century experiments around cybernetics, computing, and...


Ethnicity and AI
How do ethnic, racial, and colonial histories inform historical and contemporary practices of AI?
Please note: this event has passed.