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Barney Walsh

Dr Barney Walsh

Senior Lecturer in Security, Leadership and Development Education

Currently on sabbatical until December 2025

Research interests

  • Conflict
  • International development
  • Security


Dr Barney Walsh is a Senior Lecturer in Security, Leadership and Development Education at the African Leadership Centre (ALC). He is programme convenor of the blended learning MSc Global Leadership and Peacebuilding and Managing Editor of the ALC Journal of Leadership and Developing Societies. He is also a mentor on the various ALC Fellowship programmes.

Barney holds a BA degree in History and Sociology (international) from Leeds University and MA in International Relations from King's. In 2016 he was the first ever graduate of the PhD Leadership Studies with reference to Security and Development programme at ALC-King’s, where he has worked as Faculty since.

Barney has published several peer-reviewed articles in accredited journals, on topics such as Regional Security Complex Theory in Africa, Human Security in East Africa, African Agency and Security issues within China-Africa relations. He has also organised and overseen numerous academic conferences and symposiums. Barney has lived, travelled and worked across Africa, and undertaken field work research in Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and South Africa.


  • Leadership Studies
  • Ugandan Political Economy
  • China-Africa Relations
  • East African Security

Barney has published several peer-reviewed articles in accredited journals, on topics such as Regional Security Complex Theory in Africa, Human Security in East Africa, African Agency and Security issues within China-Africa relations. He has also organised and overseen numerous academic conferences and symposiums. Barney has lived, traveled and worked across Africa, and undertaken field work research in Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and South Africa.


PhD Supervision

Barney supervises PhD students in the following areas:

  • Leadership Studies
  • Global Leadership
  • China-Africa Relations
  • East African Security


    Digital China
    Chinese International Investments research group

    We examine how Chinese companies and government initiatives have made China a new source of large-scale capital investments and business activities in a variety of sectors.


    New op-ed series on COVID-19 in and for Africa

    The African Leadership Centre (ALC) has launched an African-focused op-ed series to track, analyse and reflect on COVID-19 in and for Africa.

    Health workers prepare hand sanitiser, Africa

    Sharing learning and expertise on leadership

    Updates from the African Leadership Centre's partnership activities in Somaliland, Ethiopia and Kenya.

    The African Leadership Centre meets with the Institute of Development (IDS), University of Nairobi



    African agency and the use of private military and security forces

    A roundtable discussion on how African leaders have used foreign military and security forces to advance their political and economic interests.

    Please note: this event has passed.


    Book discussion: Ugandan agency within China-Africa relations

    Hybrid seminar presentation on a book titled ‘Uganda Agency within China-Africa Relation: President Museveni and China’s Foreign Policy in East Africa’...

    Please note: this event has passed.


    COVID-19 and the conundrum of China-Africa relations

    The current pandemic could deepen the divide between the people and the ruling elite thanks to China-Africa relations.

    africa ariel group shot


      Digital China
      Chinese International Investments research group

      We examine how Chinese companies and government initiatives have made China a new source of large-scale capital investments and business activities in a variety of sectors.


      New op-ed series on COVID-19 in and for Africa

      The African Leadership Centre (ALC) has launched an African-focused op-ed series to track, analyse and reflect on COVID-19 in and for Africa.

      Health workers prepare hand sanitiser, Africa

      Sharing learning and expertise on leadership

      Updates from the African Leadership Centre's partnership activities in Somaliland, Ethiopia and Kenya.

      The African Leadership Centre meets with the Institute of Development (IDS), University of Nairobi



      African agency and the use of private military and security forces

      A roundtable discussion on how African leaders have used foreign military and security forces to advance their political and economic interests.

      Please note: this event has passed.


      Book discussion: Ugandan agency within China-Africa relations

      Hybrid seminar presentation on a book titled ‘Uganda Agency within China-Africa Relation: President Museveni and China’s Foreign Policy in East Africa’...

      Please note: this event has passed.


      COVID-19 and the conundrum of China-Africa relations

      The current pandemic could deepen the divide between the people and the ruling elite thanks to China-Africa relations.

      africa ariel group shot