Professor Barbara Maughan PhD
Emeritus Professor of Developmental Epidemiology
Contact details

G1219: Genesis 1219
G1219 is a longitudinal study that aims to examine the interplay between genes and the environment on the development of anxiety and depression over time.
Project status: Completed

The English and Romanian Adoptee (ERA) Project
A longitudinal, multi-method investigation of the development of children adopted into the UK from Romania in the early 1990s.
Project status: Completed

Catalogue of Mental Health Measures
The Catalogue of Mental Health Measures provides easy access to information about mental health measures to maximise the uptake of existing longitudinal data.
Project status: Ongoing
IoPPN publication awarded the 2023 Willard Manning Award in Mental Health Policy and Economics Research
A research publication by the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King’s College London and London School of Economics (LSE) has...

Co-occurring parental depression symptoms in infancy linked with child emotional difficulties in early adolescence
New research from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King’s College London has found when one parent experiences guilt as a...

IoPPN researchers receive Association of Child & Adolescent Mental Health Awards
Professor Barbara Maughan received the President’s medal, while Professor Dennis Ougrin received David Cottrell ‘Education of CAMH Professionals’ Award at a...


G1219: Genesis 1219
G1219 is a longitudinal study that aims to examine the interplay between genes and the environment on the development of anxiety and depression over time.
Project status: Completed

The English and Romanian Adoptee (ERA) Project
A longitudinal, multi-method investigation of the development of children adopted into the UK from Romania in the early 1990s.
Project status: Completed

Catalogue of Mental Health Measures
The Catalogue of Mental Health Measures provides easy access to information about mental health measures to maximise the uptake of existing longitudinal data.
Project status: Ongoing
IoPPN publication awarded the 2023 Willard Manning Award in Mental Health Policy and Economics Research
A research publication by the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King’s College London and London School of Economics (LSE) has...

Co-occurring parental depression symptoms in infancy linked with child emotional difficulties in early adolescence
New research from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King’s College London has found when one parent experiences guilt as a...

IoPPN researchers receive Association of Child & Adolescent Mental Health Awards
Professor Barbara Maughan received the President’s medal, while Professor Dennis Ougrin received David Cottrell ‘Education of CAMH Professionals’ Award at a...