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Azadeh Maleknejad

Dr Azadeh Maleknejad

Royal Society University Research Fellow


Dr Azadeh Maleknejad is a Royal Society University Research Fellow in the Department of Physics, King’s College London.

She is a theoretical physicist interested in theoretical cosmology and particle physics. The purpose of her research is to understand the particle physics of the earliest epochs of cosmology, the origin of matter–antimatter asymmetry, and the nature of dark matter. Most of her works are on the QFT aspects of cosmological backgrounds.

 Research interests

  • Early Universe Physics
  • QFT effects in Cosmology 
  • Physics beyond the SM


King's academics receive funding from the Royal Society

Early career researchers from the Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine and the Faculty of Natural, Mathematical & Engineering Sciences have received over...

Dr Azadeh Maleknejad  and Dr Margarita Khokhlova


King's academics receive funding from the Royal Society

Early career researchers from the Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine and the Faculty of Natural, Mathematical & Engineering Sciences have received over...

Dr Azadeh Maleknejad  and Dr Margarita Khokhlova