Dr Aybars Tuncdogan
Reader in Digital Innovation and Information Security
Research interests
- Marketing
- Digital
- Security
- Industry, innovation & infrastructure (SDG 9)
Contact details
Aybars Tuncdogan is a Reader in Digital Innovation and Information Security at King’s Business School, King’s College London. Currently, he lectures on topics such as ‘Digital Marketing’, ‘Web Technologies’, ‘Marketing Management', and 'Political Marketing in the Digital Age'.
In the past, he also taught modules such as Digital Consumer Behaviour, International Marketing Communications, Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications, Marketing Decision-Making, Research Methods for Marketing, MSc Research Clinic, Strategic Business Planning and Organizational Dynamics at different institutions.
Prior to joining King’s College London, he worked as a lecturer in Marketing & Strategy at Cardiff University. He completed his PhD at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. Previously, he finished his MPhil in Business Research (with distinction) also at Erasmus University, and his Bachelor’s degree (with college honours) at Earlham College, with a double major in Business Management and Computer Science.
His research deals with digital innovation from three perspectives. In particular, he is interested in the generation of digital innovation (e.g., collective innovation such as crowdsourcing, AI automation and augmentation), marketing of digital innovation (e.g., digital brand personality, service-sales ambidexterity) and protection of digital innovation (e.g., information security, organizational secrecy, corporate espionage). The knowledge bases he draws upon are psychology (especially research on individual differences and social identity) and computer science (especially research on machine learning/AI).
His papers have appeared in several prestigious business journals including the Journal of Management, Leadership Quarterly, Industrial Marketing Management, Long Range Planning, Strategic Organization, R&D Management, Personality and Individual Differences, Journal of Business Ethics, and Journal of Managerial Psychology. His work is also featured in outlets with substantial practitioner impact, such as the Scientific American and Defence Strategic Communications.
He has also been contributing to book projects and special issues. For example, he has recently co-edited a book titled ‘The Oxford Handbook of Individual Differences in Organizational Contexts’ (by Oxford University Publications), another book titled ‘Strategic Renewal: Core Concepts, Antecedents and Micro-Foundations’ (by Routledge), a special issue titled ‘Psychological Micro-foundations of Business-to-Business Decision Making’ (for Industrial Marketing Management), and another special issue titled ‘IT as a Driver of R&D Processes and Strategic Renewal’ (for R&D Management).
He also contributes to the pedagogical literature and helps to develop new teaching techniques. For instance, he has co-edited a book entitled ‘How to Undertake Teaching and Learning in Business Schools: A Practice-Based Approach’ (by Edward Elgar). Likewise, his paper entitled ‘Using the inquiry-based learning approach to enhance student innovativeness: A conceptual model’ has appeared in Teaching in Higher Education.
Dr Tuncdogan is a Research Affiliate of the King’s AI Institute, King’s Cybersecurity Centre (Informatics Department), King’s Cybersecurity Group (War Studies Department), Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and an editorial review board member of Industrial Marketing Management. He also holds several prestigious IT Certifications and serves as a peer reviewer for numerous academic journals.