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Arianna Ciula

Dr Arianna Ciula

Director and Senior Research Software Analyst

  • King's Digital Lab



Ancient Itineraries

This programme seeks to explore how 'Digital' methods apply to art history through two meetings: one at King's and one in Athens.

Project status: Completed

Radical Translations: The Transfer of Revolutionary Culture between Britain, France and Italy (1789-1815)

Understanding how a transnational revolutionary idiom was adapted, resisted or rejected in the effort to create new political tools for action.

Project status: Completed

iREAL: Inclusive Requirements Elicitation for AI in Libraries to Support Respectful Management of Indigenous Knowledges

iREAL will develop a model for responsible AI systems development in libraries seeking to include knowledge from Indigenous communities.

Project status: Ongoing

241121 4CAT
KingsCAT: Capture and Analysis Tool for Social Media Research at King’s College London

KingsCAT is an instance of the open source 4CAT: Capture and Analysis Toolkit set up to support interdisciplinary and collaborative social media research.

Project status: Ongoing

ISSA_web_2_Daniel Chavez Heras
Intelligent Systems for Screen Archives (ISSA)

ISSA aims to develop critical and technical exploration of AI in the screen sector, focusing on moving image archives in the UK.

Project status: Starting


Ancient Itineraries

This programme seeks to explore how 'Digital' methods apply to art history through two meetings: one at King's and one in Athens.

Project status: Completed

Radical Translations: The Transfer of Revolutionary Culture between Britain, France and Italy (1789-1815)

Understanding how a transnational revolutionary idiom was adapted, resisted or rejected in the effort to create new political tools for action.

Project status: Completed

iREAL: Inclusive Requirements Elicitation for AI in Libraries to Support Respectful Management of Indigenous Knowledges

iREAL will develop a model for responsible AI systems development in libraries seeking to include knowledge from Indigenous communities.

Project status: Ongoing

241121 4CAT
KingsCAT: Capture and Analysis Tool for Social Media Research at King’s College London

KingsCAT is an instance of the open source 4CAT: Capture and Analysis Toolkit set up to support interdisciplinary and collaborative social media research.

Project status: Ongoing

ISSA_web_2_Daniel Chavez Heras
Intelligent Systems for Screen Archives (ISSA)

ISSA aims to develop critical and technical exploration of AI in the screen sector, focusing on moving image archives in the UK.

Project status: Starting