Anna graduated from Cardiff University in 2015 with a first class honours in Psychology (BSc) with Professional Placement. She then worked as a Research Assistant at South London and Mausdely Hospital (SLaM) developing an standardised data collection tool used to create the first Multisystemic Therapy UK (MST UK) national dataset. Anna joined Kings College London (KCL) in 2016 and currently works as a Research Assistant co-developing and implementing electronic data collection tools within an NHS infrastructure. She is project manager for the myHealthe (www.myHealthe.co.uk) system. A joint venture between KCL and SLaM designing a patient facing web-portal to enhance routine outcome measure collection and has recently supported a pragmatic trial to evaluate the system. Anna is currently undertaking an MSc in Health Psychology at City, University of London.
Research Interests
- Digital health platforms
- Socio-demographic inequalities in routine outcome monitoring
- Integrated mental and physical health research

Experimental Psychopathology and Neuro-Development Group
ExPAND focuses on understanding neuro-developmental disorders and mental health conditions across the lifespan.
IoPPN researchers announced winners of the 2022 ACAMH Awards
Several researchers at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) won awards at the Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health...


Experimental Psychopathology and Neuro-Development Group
ExPAND focuses on understanding neuro-developmental disorders and mental health conditions across the lifespan.
IoPPN researchers announced winners of the 2022 ACAMH Awards
Several researchers at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) won awards at the Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health...