Anna-Katharina Strohschneider
Visiting Research Associate
Contact details
Anna-Katharina Strohschneider joined King’s in October 2019 as a Research Associate with the ERC project Authority & Innovation in Early Franciscan Thought (c. 1220-45). Previously she was a Research and Teaching Associate for philosophy at the University of Würzburg, Germany where she finished her PhD in July 2019. In 2016 she held a Francis A. Yates short-term fellowship at the Warburg Institute, London and in 2014 she was a guest researcher at Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, Italy. She received a PhD scholarship from the German Academic Scholarship Foundation as well as a PhD scholarship from the Bavarian Ministry for Teaching and Education. She was awarded an MA in philosophy, medieval history and biology in 2012.
Research interests and PhD supervision
- Medieval philosophy
- Arabic philosophy
- Averroism and, more broadly, the Aristotelian tradition in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
- Metaphysics and Ontology
- Postcolonialism
My research focuses on the reception of Arabic thought in the medieval Latin world.
My PhD thesis, titled Metaphysics as a Science. Averroes and his Medieval Latin Reception, explores Averroes’ position on the conception and nature of the science of metaphysics, the demonstrations and investigations it provides, and its relation towards the other sciences. By providing an analysis of over 20 different Latin commentaries on Aristotle’s Metaphysics, written between the 13th and the 16th century, the thesis examines the reception and further development of Averroes’ theses and arguments. I am currently preparing this book for publication.
For the ERC project Authority & Innovation in Early Franciscan Thought (c. 1220-45) I am investigating metaphysical themes and the reception of Avicenna in the works of the early Franciscan thinkers.
I have taught broadly in ancient and medieval philosophy, covering ethics, theory of action, metaphysics, and natural philosophy, but I have also given seminars in contemporary philosophy such as an introduction to ontology or a course on philosophy and postcolonialism.